4 minute read
Unit For Ford Tnrcks Sells Readily
The U. S. Truck Unit Company, Los Angeles, is mannfacturing an attachment, conYerting an ordinary Ford One Ton Truck into a thoroughly dependable economically op erated, three-ton truck, and at a surprisingly low ocpeasc'
A truck to carry over two tons, at a price anywhcrc near one thousand-dollars, giving the owner the assurance of. day after day service, at-a loi cost, would bc a distinct advantage, especially to a lumbennan-
This company takes an ordinary f'9rd tryck, otgq$ the frame to t*.1.'. {eet in length, ind by adding specially heavy frames and springs, turn out a tructr that they cl-aim will iuccessfully handlJl50 to ffi feet of qegn lum$:r-' The transmission is changed to a six-speed, giving a 3$l ratio in the low-low gearl and the truck will easily make N to 25 miles per hour, emPtY-
They have placed one or more of these trucks with a numbir of Southern California dealers, all of whom are enthusiastic over their performance.
Here is a partial list of the dealers who are using them:
Bauer-Geib Lumber Co- (2)..-..-m E. Nedeau..'Loe Angclcl
Jones-stephenson Lumber Co.....
Central Lumber Co..
Wat"ut Park Lumber Co..........ziim E Florcocc'
Compi"" Lumber & Suppty Co..... '..Copon- ttt.fr'Ja Lumber Co.... - ... .Melrwood tt"ii r-"-Uii eo... .. .Vcoice il;;;*"-tumber co.. """'s8!t'llodce u";:1;t Lumlet Co............3250 Saa F. Rd"'.Lor Aagdcr
Glo-ver House Lumber Co..
C- C. Ganahl Lumber Co..... .....n@ Abmcde.
H.--o"A Lumber Co..... -.-Paredcor ffi"" Ufe. Co............
Bliss-Lumlber Co..... ......2100 Cornpton.
Bowerman Lumber Lo.....
Costa Mesa Lumbcr Co..... r .9r"og.
U""tai"g Supply Co..... .-2flill Expo. Blvd-.Lo Angcht e. C. nl". Hardwood Ftoor Co.. .....!:oc Angcls, Dolan-Sine Lumber Co............&t09 S. Vetmont..I.q An8elc!
L. C. ClEment Lumber Co-....
Oscood Lumber Co..... ......-BGtl
Upior-U.ti Lumber Co......'.-..855 Et Ccntro.'.-.S. Peredcoa Sititi. Lumber Co....- .......Ctico
F;6i;; Lumber Co.. . - .Vcotura
F;6i;; t-u-u"t Co.. . -. .santa P.ub San Gabriel Lumber Co'. si;"" -iduei co.. {530 Worth'--...!4s Angeler' GiUUi tu-Uer Co.. ....Placentie St."itt"id Lumber Co..... ....Lankersbio Giim" fumUer Co.. ....Artcsie c;i;;; L"-1.. Co.. ..8165 Alameda.....!-os Angq6 i..-""" LumUer Co.... . 1935 E. Vernon...Ior Angpler Whittaker Lumber Co..... Howard-Rartz Lumber Co.....
L. Vi-. Lumber Co..... .....La Verne Chap-at, Lumber Co.... .....Sante Ane ' Eicie i"ct Lumber Co..-.. .-:'..:....Fsle-Roq3
B;;; & Derry Lumber Co.......2055 E.Slst St.-..Loe Aneelc!
Plnc Bhf, Arlenrer
C. G. Chipchase, better known to the lumber trade as "Chip" has iesigned as managt_r of thc Irdi Milt * UJS. Co. ind is now-covering the Valley territory for the Paci6c Manufacturing Company of Santa Clara. "Chip"- is rvell known amonf the lumber trade in the statc and his friends are wishing him success with his new position.
Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club
8.,W. (Bobbie) Byrne, of the'Western Hardwood Lumler.Company, was chairman at the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club meeting', on Thursday, October %rdl
It was the first meeting at the newly completed Los Angeles City Club, and was in the naturi of a celebration of the Club's moving back with their old hosts.
Sixtl-nine were in attendance. This is the largest number that have been at a meeting this year, and B"obbie felt quite proud that he had prepired such a fine program. tr{r.. Gillev_iez, a baritonef sing three numb.rr, uI"o-panied by, Miss Wilson. It was very beautiful music. Mr. C.-A. Dykstra, Ilfanager of the City'Club, talked for a few minutes, welcoming the Hoo Ho6 Ctub'back with them and explaining the City Club, with an invitation to join.
Bobbie soaked the boys right and left, with fines, for various crimes. The Charity Fund was considerably increased, as it always is, when this man gets in the chair.
The Snark, Frank Curran, talked on lhe coming Concatenation, to be held on the night of November gltr. He has appointed the Nine to servJwith him, and has called a meeting to decide the varous details of this afiair.
E. S. Houghton, Chas. R. .l\{cCormick & Co., won the attendance prize, donated by the chairman.
-_ Hoquiarn Wn., Oct. 20.-(Special)-Plans to observe in December the sailing of thi vessef that carries .the one- billionth foot of lumber to be shipped in l9Z4 from the port o^{ Grays lfarbor, have been endorsed by the Hoquiam Chamber of Commerce, the port commissioners and'lead- ing business men of the city.
_ As outlined, the plan would provide a meahs for definite- ly, a1d in a_way tlat can be easily remembered, pointing out Grays_ ]Iarbor's supr€macy iir the lumber industry-. Both in 1922 and in 1923 Grays Harbor set records for lumber shipments by rvater, but the figures are hard to remember, whereas the shipping of a Liilion feet, a mark never before equalled, can be used to advantage in pub- licity. By the end of October the record f.or all"l9Z3. b.rer 880,000,000 feet, is expected to have been passed.
Ch.as. K. Spaulding Logging Co. of Portland, are improving their_ drying facilities a1 their Salem, Oregon, mill. The last of their old kilns is being rebuilt oi tile-and concrete and Moore's Progressive System is being installed. When the kiln is complete, all thrle of their plaits, including. Salem. ^Ne-wberg, and McMinnville, wili be equippecl with Moore's Progressive, Moist Air Kilns.
I-ongview, lVn.. Oct. 2O.-Cut-over lands of the Long- Bell Lumber Company in the Northwest will be marketJd for agricultural purposes where so adapted and where suitable for reforestation will be placed in iemporary forest reserves and ,protected, announces J. B. Wbods,- forest en- gineer for the company. This is t-he policy pursued in the southern operations of the company. where fhree forest reserves.aggregating 150,000 ac.is are now maintained.
The Falconbr.rry Lumber Co. of Stockton, are building a new extension 76 feet by 13O feet to their main shed. Their main shed is now 230 feet long. The Kerwin I.umber Co. at Modesto have just completed an extension 20 feet by 70 feet to their mill ; this makes their present mill B0 feet by 120 feet.

Why Sell Redwood?
nNE of our good dealer friends in a recent letter jokingly V remarked that from his standpoint one of Redwood's big disadvantages is its permanence-its great durability makes replacements unnecessary. Nothing short of a cyclone will destroy Redwood. Fungus does not rot it and worms and insects leave it alone. It is a slow burner. Thoroughly painted, it looks well a long time. Even unpainted, it still resists decay. A Reclwood house needs little repairing. But this dealer keeps right on ordering Redwood. He finds that telling these sad facts about Redwood to his custorners does not drive them away.
Sometimes he even ventures to remark that according to the U. S. Governmerrt Report entitled "Physical, Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Redwood" there isn't any other wood, either soft or har<1, that averages as high on durbaility, lack of shrinhage, strength as a bearn or post, ease of glueing, u'orhabilit! and ability to "stay put."