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Make'Em Keep'Em Under Cover
Someone has said that there are three degrees of liars in the world; liars, d-n die,ars, and STATISTICIAN:S.
We're not so sure about that, but we were reading the other day the figures given by some Statis,tician showing the amount of money LOST by the farmers of the nation €very year, through the depreciation to farm machinery and implements through being left out in the weather.
We forget whether it was eleventy-seven or seventy-leven million dollars, but it was a whole lct of unnecessarily wasted money and every time we ricie a train or a car through the farming districts in the fall or winter we are convinced.that this particular statistician was crazy like a fox.
It does seem ,a burning, absolute shame, to see those farm implements that come from the implement dealer shiny and attractive in their bright paint and new colors. dropped in the corner of the field when the season,s work is over and left there at the mrercy of the fall and winter weather, to remain until the next season started.
The country dealer has a real DUTY on his shoulders
Milt Cross Tnjured On Hunting Trip
Milt Cross, manager of the Cross Lumber Co.. Merced. was very unfortunate in breaking his leg on a recent hunt_ ing trip. The accident was dire to Tallins on a large boulder.. His many lumbermen friends will b"e glad to he?r that he is convalescing nicely.
Don Fraser On Oregon Fishing Trip
^ Don Fraser, the popular manager of the Lodi Lumber Lo., Lodl, ts no\,v on a_ two weeks' fishing trip on the prop_ erty of the Glendale Lumber Co., Glend=ale,-Oregon.'Don gxpects to make some limit catches on this trip as his Oregon.friends report that fishing in that localiiy is ex- cellent this fall.
During the month of September, lO2 lumber carriers entered Los Angeles harbor, 80 with fir and 22 with redwood. The capacity of the fir boats rvas 109,330,000 ft. and the redwood 16,690,000 ft. Total for the month, L26,020,0M ft., and for the year, 1,117,8I0,000 ft., all of which approximates entire southern California waterborn receoits.
with regard to implement sheds. Any dealer that permits a single farmer in his district to leave his property out in the weather without nraking a single intelligent effort to show the farmer that he will lose more in a single season than an implement shed would cost-is a duty-dodger.
The fall will soon be here and shortly afterward the farm implements will begin dropping by the wayside fcrr their winter's outing.
Get ready NOW with plans and pictures and FIGURES and live suggestions to STOP THE BIG LEAK.