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Concernin$ Conditions in the Northwest
A letter from A. L. Porter, Secy. Western Retail Lumbe,rmen's Association, to J. C. Ferger, Pres. San Joaquin Vatley Lumbermen's Club. Octobcr 15' f92'1. Mr. J. C. Ferger, clo Swastika Lumber Co., Frcsno, Calif.
My dear Jack:
Haven't heard from vou for soroc tinc. How arc you? Wbat is the s tuation in Cdifornia now, and rhai are the prcductionr for ncxt year? --- ih; ilsi majoritv of rctail trrmhcl yatdr, particularlT in the smaller communities iherc E0 pcr ccnt of their volumc of busigr is aepcnaent upon thc farmcr, Lavc:imply beca marking tF" t4: year and a good deal of last year. Thqec rcailerg' stocksr I w-oul<l iay, aie ana- have becn for e6mc timc lccs than 50--pcr cent ql.thc ati6unt of lumbcr and buildiag materidg thcy rnrally carry. T,hq havc made littlc or no cfiort to sclt bccausc, as I alrcady Eaid' th'ir orinctoal customer is thc faflntr-whilc rooc of them might bavc haa ah inclinction to buy end build, they havc no DnGy to Day for the materiral
M""t iarai, particutady q thc-- -id-d!" west, have -not for monthJ iuicttarea'a car oI iruolcr dlrect -froo thc nantJacturcr' Wtic"Jv& tttci ttaA an oplnrtunity to-rcll a hourc or barn bill' if thcv didnit -trave Oc nitiriat in- stoct, thcy rould includc it in a cai'tttcv-oraerca from storagc firm ai thi Uinncsota Tradcr wfreie tfrci can always sccurc qrick delivcry. This has becn abort the extcnt of thcir buying.
The conccnsus of -opiltion. howcver, points to thc da$dna of a vcry brigtrt day, not -only for the rctaU UuUairrg matcrid mcrchant. but other lines as rtll
Ii iC conceded bv cvcrv onc &at thc Dalcr plan will bc grt in cffect in Europc; tiat thic witr put thcm to rork foducing and at. the sarnc timc consrnins. Tbcy will thco havc E94cy to buy and pay for vast quantitics df our food stufre, farrn mchincr5l, bactors. automobilcg. ect
'This conditi6n is boutd to nake thc farmcr' the gteat consurncr in our country, quitc proalrtoug. Nnd in turn-th'r prorocriw will bc radiatcd ail dons dovn the linc becausc tle averagc larm'has had no improvemcntifor scvcrd ycars end thcy not only nccd hm aad othcr buildin$ but hrn E cbiD.rt 6il nmfr othcr eupplicr.In o:rir northretcrn ooutrt q bcrc' ltcrc ru5z' nqt -rl. tail var& have bceo clo$d ehogethc' coditior rrt ED .D' D"ofiL at6o{d-tfcrc ir tiut Ufrn-lt ttc occd tic- Th3 iuturc,'bowcvi, loolg $dc brittt, prtsrlray P tF frrP.tr arc baginning to rcalitc thr thcy c.Doot dcD.od o ,r!!.G lc'
It-ir co'iccdcd bv crpcrt tlet bogr rrd rhccp ritr b^tilg^ -l good fice for rvcralycan to cmc. tlc 1roblo to tolvc in Eit icctioi is onc of pe*iragc and lccd. ErDGrtt brvc bcgo toEiDS thiq Gouotrv nrrai thc firmcn to pit b ttlct clovtc for F6' asc ar it" iooa-.alro ir four tincr lhrt o[ bla-gnt ;.4d +"-!9 fint at* rhich ir thir cmtry yiddr e geol cro9 d--aQ{a oudiw- thc sci*tt mEiDE errphcre froE lortt to trfrt-citEt irun.L'to thc burhcl egahlt-tbc ltardatit U. S. tGistt o[ 3a pd to thc bushcl Whe tli! Tcltcrn rcction bcdu to nirc q= bolr rld O..D and qoduccr oats and rllct doicr fc fcc4 6rt ri& 6G ttlt' whcit and othcr grdnr tin Drfc thc frm:n D.l lbcl nbclr quite Focperoug.
-- Sd raF"r it au in dL evcrv ooc ir lootin3 fc nclt rur eul thc year afti to Drodoce e vcry pod volw o[ buis * e proftable pricc. - --Td-eilc dtuatiotr in qq Iol+d FPD93 ! rt prtcohfy ptcariri. -tt"-ti*-i"pct ot-Ocoocr sq -f-gf-qc nrc-r'or qL ilrorea- ordcrr of 21275,W, rUbnco 25'50f,0. podociog p'fgE.(nO- llilc ncmd oroducio L 3f,775'0O. Sldpcotr bdol rgE.(no. rHC pioductio L 31,775'00. Sldpco bdor production for ttc rccl 12,6'+ PGr- clot. @.il -bctol poloCgo production ttc rccl 12.5{ PGr c.ot. Ord:tr bclot Fogsnigo lor thc recel 16.85 pcr omt ordcrr bclor rhiprcl !a tbc plcaeing. - Thc lart scct 4t2 Dcr ccot
On thc Coart a difrcrcot mditio tco to ltrcrYril- Fc rtc forty rcckr of the ycrr codin3 Odobcr tth podgin blr ba 3,704,m0,Om feet, nes btdtrc.. 3,?53,(100,@ ft.t, rd rtillucltr 3,E76,000,000 fcct -
With ttc clcction ovcr D.rt Dos& secqt dG tGGo b lGcN 6rt wc vill rcttlc dorn to lour ycen of Eoch bciicr bcincrr.thm rc bave colryed for a long tiic puq lpcrEag of rtc oo|rt rr r vholc.
I thourht thir infcmrtioa midt bc of iccrt b ttc mben of our Cli'U et thcir Srtordey EGth& Plc..G Grtcqt to dl ry vcr5z bert rirhcr. Ard tct DG bc.r
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