4 minute read
d, wooDs ENAMEL
CALIFORNIA WHITE PINE md CALIFORNIA SUGAR PINE tsupahtivelysuited toermelfnisheWhether your choieof t66 b€the imorculaEwhitms of mreLin- th2 elowind rnw d ;be Whether you! enamel
Frclain, thc glowing gny of old sil, hu€.-the eft{€xturd wirds add w or the qamy lustre of u ivory f,ue,-the rcfttextiid wtrds
*unnce of gfetiorio the daonor'sm
To wl wdl a wood n&u\. ond rturn ..ooth 6nish Thc oamel
6mt rmain llat unle the gah of the wod rcmains llat tf the enin
'nis" (show e omgated, or wvy surface) the emmel ovaing -Dw lollN the pttsr€ of the w@d boeth, and "nie" @t.h rh.-!DoA pcrcd and rulrbed,-uncil it pm a moh odae for emmelng.
Obviowly, lhe berury of the emel 6nish will bc narrcd.
Any wod o be plamd, mdpo.
\Mhen first enamelcd rt lmlc XrfC.
But there rre inhemt qurLoL in all uoods that e@ theh io epood o tiEe edahcphgicchegd. ri/hm wod gmin ni*s, the enenel 6nish bccoma "wly" and evmrually cncks. \\4cnwood mlls b hucf,, ouel cnclc.t*&en wod shrinls b mucf, tucl o&. Emd n britde; it d<c mt band
No enamel can overome cxcastw
*paosricn and @ntncion, or dE
'ni*d gnin" m&ncy in *od.
Rcr4in k Sn@th F;nith nia &rgar Pim re |@wrping,lw ilnn&ing, mmlling wodr. Tbcy
C.lifomir Whit Pift ud Cdifor.
"ey pu!- They pffi thc 6lErp
Lm md clean, gneful oro of thc rrchim's daign,Thengain doe rct "aie"-the soo& hlc edein .mnd Gnrshe that las 6 long d the emmel wiU war.
Califomia pim r uwlly fre frca cinou sb*me. Thcrc u m tiny pinhadpaniclo of pitch fored thrcuqh the e@el b rpt rc boutifulorfee- Therc an be m dsolontion fim wood oilr cping up o. lp@drng bcmth the mmel, undminhg it, .nd cauiog it b Fs.
Enmd is ued in the hooc for but orc pupo*ut''. U* w& that will pItw thet bauty U* Glifomn Whre and Sugr Pin*,the w& that mel pcrfectly
Califomra WHITE f'SUCi{RPINEMaxurrcrurrt' Asrocrrtrox
A 20o.yan sapply of rtac '/oodt nm' sundt in thc regiortu,hte ott milk opea. ate. Ndtudl golth ol ttanding rirnbq, atgmcnEd b7 naut aI rcprduction and rc.fotettdtion, atsrtet a tub ply of thec %lublc bcilding toods fot all tinc.
Hundreds of Inquiries C,ame Immediately
In ourAugust lumber trade advertisematts, we said: "This campaign is &sisned to sell CalifomiaWhite Pine and CafSrna $ug"r Pine." Before trhe f,rst dav of September we could have changed thaf sentedce to read, "This campaign is sellingthese woods.n'
Bdore our first advertisement had been out two weeks, inquiries were coming in frorr Norttr" South, East and West. Pr"ospective home builders wanted additional facG. Con, tractors wanted many questions answered. Mills and yards wantedaction. Our Wood Technologist took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. Those hundreds of letters came sooner than we had reason to expect, but we were ready for them.
Ia.rge Sash and Millwork manufacturers wrore us: "Fine." "Exactly the kind of advertisinq we need." "Couldn't be improved.o "The way you dE up uses for pine is especially commendable." It's in line with prog- ress, and I approve of it.': "Will have a nighty good ef,ect." "Will bring results."
Read the advertisement reproduced on this page. It's another gets,the,business fuil2age advertisemeni It is being read by architects and builders, and thousands of prospective home builderg. It is sellurg CaliforniaWhite Pine and $ugar Pine for enameled doors and interior fnish. Tell YOUR customers the story of these woodg that enamel perfectly.
If, by chance, your yard is not stocked, Iou ore rniss, ing something;- a mighty good producq a SELLING campaign to help you SELI4 and a demand for these woods -that_has_ akeady manifested itself in inquiries and orders. Stock these woods--CalifornlaWhitlPine and Califomia Sugar Pine, and get your share of this profitabletrade, Prices were never more favorable than now.
Four Vessels of Hart-Wood Fleet Unload at One Dock
This very interesting photograph, taken from Fort McArtl-rur, Los Angeles Harbor, shows three of four of the IIart-Wood Lumber Company's fleet of vessels, unloading at the Outer Harbor Dock.
The boats pictured are, left to right, the Willapa, the Quinault and the Hart-Wood. The San Diego was lying just al-read of the Hart-Wood, but is not shown.

The Hart-Wood Lumber Company, at the present time, is operating a fleet o[ nine carriers into the California market.
The above picture rvas taken October 8th.
Mrs. William A. Talbot, wife of "Bill" Talbot, the well known San Francisco lumberman who is associated with William Smith is confined to the Wakefield Hospital, San Francisco, following an operation. She is reported to be doing nicely.
Benson Lumber Company Remodels Office
Extensive alterations have been inade to the offices of the Bensoh Lumber Company, San Diego.

Fred C. Hamilton, general manag'er of the company, is quite proud of the attractive building that they now have. The main offices were changed completely, throwing all of the space with the exception of Mr. Hamilton's office. into one room, new desks were installed, the private ofifice was re-floored, and the entire building has beeh painted an attractive gray and white.
Mr. Hamilton states th_at his company is preparing to work two shifts during 1925, and that ttr.y i"iti incr?ase their- capacity to handle seven rafts during the year, in- stead of five, that they have been cuttiig foi several years.
In 1923 they have received five rafts, containing close
La madera usa& eqestia construccion procede de lagran
Madererla 'BENSOIU" de San Dlego,Cal. -
hacticammte toda la madera que se ura en las denas onstrucciones de TUUAItA,viene de la nimalhdereria
Wagon Sign Used bg Benson Ltmtber Co to twehty-five million feet, next year, they *'ill bring million feet.
All with the two additional ones the cut of the mill up to 35
The hmber used in thi$ condruc{ion furnishd h
the hmber Used h largu Conshucion Work