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Announces New Breakfast Set
In this issue the W. J. Glasson Planing Mill of San Diego, while the is announcing their new "Anderson Disappearing Break- seat back folds fast Set," in a page advertisement.
The W. L. Glasson Planing Mill, "manufacturers of doors, sash and interior woodwork of every description from an1' kind of u'ood required," has the exclusive manufacturing and distributing rights on this newly pe rfecte<l an<1 patented piece of kitchen furniture, and Mr. Glasson has stated that he is very enthusiastic over the reception that the set has receivecl fronr architects and contractors, in the ferv weeks that they have been m,aking them.
The illustration above shows the set. opened, an<l gives a verv good idea of the practicability of the product, as well as the sturdiness of construction. The set requires a space but 2'8"x6'6", an ordinary door opening, and will fit into any four inch studded rvall. They can also arrange the set to go into a three inch wall, bv char-rging the backing, to a thinner material.
The set is made almost entirely of Fir, ar-rd has the feature oi being extremely light, and at the same time extraordirrarily strong. The set pictured is backed with one inch ceiling, the doors are regulation C C doors, with the extra cross pieces, or cleats, and the table is topped with a 3/s" O. P. veneer. over a s_olid piece of 1" Fir.
The seats fold very cleverly onto the door, being held up, is
Er.erything about the set is attractive, and, considering the price that the company will offer them at, to the dealer, it will become very popular.
Mr. Glasson installed an exhibit at the fair at San Diego, and was gratified at the enthusiastic comments that were heard. More than five thousand four-page circulars were clistributed to prospective home builders, and he has received numerorls calls from the San Diego yards, from direct inquiries from contractors.
One of the San Diego yarcls has made a special proposi- tion for their installation in olcl homes, by fixing an installed price to the owner, this price being the retail price of the set, plus $3.@ for labor. They have arranged with a carpenter to do the work for this amount, and have succeeded in taking enougl.r orders to more than justify their idea.
Mr. Glasson is circulating the architects ancl contractors. bv circulars and letters, pointing out the superior features of the set, and he states that they will be sold only through the clealers.
'fhey have a price on a single set, and a lower scacle for orcler:r for ten or more sets. To a new customer. Mr. Glasson has decided to make a special price on an order for one set, in cases where the initial order is intended for display purposes.