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How Lumber Looks
The Douglar fir cargo market does not show much change. Vcrtical grfi f,oorins and clears remain about the same but comrnons are not quite ar strong. As far as the mills are concertred, pricee in cutting rpecifications are the larne as two weeks ago.
The Southern California cargo arivale for the month of October will run around one hundred million feet. There are abotrt fifteen million feet of unrold lumber at San Pedro. 26 boats are laid up.
The Douglar fir rail market looked a little better two weekr ago and rome of the wholesalers still report a spotted market. Vertical grain kiln dried clearu are very scarce and hard to buy.
There is no over supply of logr in the Grayr Harbor, Columbia River or Puget Sound Districts. The log market ir active and prices are firm.
The redwood market remainr about the rame but t[ere aeems to be a better tone underlymg it. There are no items that are weak and prices are firm. Clearr are moving fairly well and there are no excers of stocks at the millr. For the year 1927 to October 15, the Redwood Arsociation barometer lhowl, 16 mills reporting: Orders 3591962 M ft.' Production 312,474 M ft. and Shipments 346'913 M ft.
Sugar Pine ir showing rtrength all along the lirt. California White Pine shows very little change. Stockr at the mills are always at a rnaximum at thir time of the year, but they will now rtart to decreare ar reveral mille have already clored for tte balance of the realon, or until next spring. The next thirty dayr should see a good many mills closed for the winter reaaon.
For the week ending October 15, the West Coast Lumbermen'g Association barometer, based on 118 millr, reportr: Production 123,756,274 ft., New Buciness 97,233,334 ft., and Shipments 9916021435 ft. For the first 41 weo&o of 19271 91 millr report: Production 3,&1,017,056 ft., New Bnsiness 3,653,066,521 ft. and Shipments 3,637,938,426 ft.
For tbe week ending October 15, the Southern Pine Asrociation barometer, 108 mills reporting, shows: Production 6212111827 ft., New Busineer 61,173,760 ft. and Shipments 61,849,600 ft.
Petition Made to Review and Set Aside Order of Federal Trade Commission in Philippine Mahogany Case
The following is a copy of the petition for review and to set aside the order of the Federal Trade Commission before the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit of New York in the Philippine Mahogany case. To the Honorablc J"u*Tn:t#;*.8;rfiii"n Court of Appeale for
The petition of Indiana Quartered Oak Company respectfully alleges:
First: That at all times hereinafter mentioned your petitioner was and now is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Indiana, having its principal place bf business, and carry on business, in the City and State of New York and within the Second Circuit.
Second: That on or about the l6th day of August, 1927, the rerpondents Federal Trade Commission made an order, a copy of rhich is hereto annexed, directing that your petitioner cease and desist from advertising, selling, or ofrering for cale certain woods as Mahogany or Philippine Mahogany, as therein more fully set forth.
Third: That the aforesaid order of thc Commission to cease and dcsist is erron€ous, unauthorizcd and not sufficient in law and ought to be roviewed, reversed and set acide for many apparent errors ind imperfections, inasmuch as it appears from the records in this case:
1. That the findings of the Federal Trade Commission as to the facts are not supported by the evidence, but are merely the conclusions of the Commission.
2. That the aforesaid order of the Commission does not follow the complaint and it is inconsistent therewith, and thc said order is not supported by the findings of fact of the Commission.
3. That the proceedings were not brought in the public interests, but on the contrary involve a purely private controverly.
4. That certain findings of the Trial Examiner as to the facts, although fully supported by the testimony are not incorporated in the report of findings of the Federal Trade Commission.
5. That the practices by said order prohibited arc not unfair and unlawful and do not constitute unfair methods of competition in commerce.
6. That said order was beyond the power of the Fedcral TradeCommission and that it was without jurisdiction to make said ordcr. WHEREFORE your petitioner prays that this Court review the said order of said Federal Trade Commission and that said order be set aside and that such other or further relief may be granted in the premises as may be just. INDIANA
By Charles Neave, Solicitor for Petitioner, 5 Nassau Street, New York City. Charles Neave, Daniel R. Forbes, of Counscl. Dated, New York, October L4, 1927.