3 minute read
Artnual Convention California Retail Lumbermen's Association, Hotel
Alexandria, Los Angeles, California
November 10, 11 and 12
(Registration o{ delegates will begin at 8 o'clock a.m. Thursday morning, November l0th, at the Association's Registration Desk at the Alexandria Hotel, Ladies and gentlemen must register in order to obtain books of entertainment feature tickets. and in order for us to have a check on how many will attend these functions.)
President Paul Hallingby, Presiding. Cal[ to Order, in Assembly Room. Hotel Alexandria.
Address of Welcom*Lieut, Covernor Buron Fitts-
Response to Address of Welcome.
R. F...Wells, Vice President Northern District, Presrcrng.
Surety- Bond-When do they fail to protect the ma- terial dealer.
Creditg ud Colletios: What information you should ask for in opening a new account.
Ifow can you confirm what the customer tells vou?
\\-hat must you know about thb property and its encumbrances ?
Can this information be obtained from oublic records?
How can you avoid lapse of mechanici' lien rishts?
What blank .forms can be used to help you- get information ?
How can your bmk-keepers or branch yards list accounls so, that tbose requiring attention will stand out clearly?
What is a reasonible percentage of loss?
Home Finmcing: Should the dealer finance building in wnole or tn Dart /
How can it b; done without tying up too much of your capital?
Bui'ding_pd Loan Amiatims' Relations With Build- ing Material Dealers: Can the dealer aiwarelirange to get his money out of the loan?
Disc,o,yaSing- .Unre[abl,e. Buildero: fs the Clearing nouse tytethod fractrcal/
_ Wh_at other methods can be used ?
LegislaUon: fs the contractors license law desirable?
Will contractors associations try to abrogate the Mechanics' Lien Larv ? Appointment of Resolutions Committee, Question Box, Noon Recess.
Cbas, P. Curraa, Vice-President, Southern District, Presiding.
Territorial Rights: Is there any excuse for a manufacturer or wholesaler selline direct?
Are small planing mills or lirge industries entitled to buy as cheaply as your yard ?
Should wbolesalers sell one retailer for delivery in another's territory?
Do you "follow your customer"?
Do large city yards sell in your territory?
Ettrical Relatim: What unfair Dractices between retailers should be stopped?
Rebates-donations-financing-full credit on returns
-solicitine-which are ethic al ?
Substltution 6f Grader: Is it fair to deliver a better grade. than you quoted on ? Is it risht to quote on cheaper material than your competitor figures on the same competitive house bill ?
Is it all right to do so when it is an old customer ot yours I
Aftei you have sold a bill, is it atl right to talk substitution of grades?
Code of Ethic: Should the Code of Ethics be broadened or revised?
Has your local associatim studied it?
Can one dealer be governed by the Code of Ethics when his competitors are not?
Adjournment, FRIDAY MORNING_NOVEMBER TT, T927 9:30 .A,M.
R. F.-.Wells, Vice-President, Northern District, Preslqlng.
Selling Yur Custmer tte Proper Grade qf Lumber-: Whit crades do vou recommind for a fine home?
For a ithool housi or other public building?
For cheap houses?- For farm buildings? For tem' Dorary structures i
Is'theri a legitimate use for number three mmmon fir?
Must California take number three common fir ?
Do y-ouquote on lumber without specifying the qrades r Naries of Grades: Dcs the name "common" mean anvthinc to the Dublic?
Doei the public knbw common contains 25 per cent number twor
Do vou sell common as "Number One Common" ?
Shotild vou sell No. 3 common as No. 2 common ?
Shoutd Select Common be put on price lists?
Confusion in Rail ud Water Gradec: What are the difierences ?
Why should not both be based on the same grading rules ?
Lrmber Trade Extensim Bureau: Shouldn't the Bureau helo us educate the public on grades?
Do you prefer to have them merely advertise fir in your communrty i
Pscific Lmber lropection Burau: Are P. L. I. B. certificates final?
Are thev deoendable?
Is reinsbectibn conducted fairly?
Whv shbuld 5 Der cent undergrade be allowable?
Unifoim Building-Code: Irow will it afiect the lumber dealer ? Question Box.
Noon Recess.
Chas. P. Curran, Vice-President, Southern District' Presiding.
How Do Lumber Dealers Make a Profrt? fs there any method besides co-operation?