3 minute read
with workma"*ip and material (California Pines) of the very highest quality are turned out by ou_r system that combines q.r"nlity ptod,r.tion -*ith "r"fto man-built workmanship. Doors include our lamlnatgd, water-proof, _warp-proof construction with pan- els and veneered faces of California Pine. 'Handrl*., attractive ""a d.pl"d- able.
Builders like these goods. Dealers find them highly salable.
"l had a cook once," said Paul Bunyan, "who was one of the firet men to think of quantity production. He made up a month's supply of pancakes at one time. They got eo tough we used them to half-sole our boots and for hinges on the doors. He was sent down the tote-road, for I demand quality as well as guantity."
MIXED CARS FROM RED RIV/ER of er unique adoantages. Wide range of stocks, rates and shipment sertsice. Do you get our"Weekly Stock Letter?"
"Producers of White Pine for Over HaIf a Century" Trade MarL
Announcement was made recently of the following changes in the personnel of the Redwood Manufacturers Co., at Pittsburg. Mr. A. H. Jongeneel is now general manager and Mr. W M. Casey is the general sales manager. Mr. Norman T. Schmaltholz, for twenty-two years affiliated with the concern, has resigned his position as superintendent and Mt. J. W. Pearson has been selected to fill this position.
Can money be made on an open competitiv€ retail market ?
How murh margin of profit is justifiable on lunrber?
Should retail prices be changed whenever the dcaler's cost changes?
Don't high retai'i prices invite new yards to come in?
Do you attempt co-operation, annihilation, or consolidation when you think there are too many yards in your locality?
Is there any logic in not charging cartage?
Wh:it kind of advertising pays?
Otter ltems Thm Lmbcr: What proportion of volume do they amount to?
W}tat extra expenses do they cntail?
What profit do they show?
Do you have to hiie specialty men to handle then?
Co.operation with sash and door, c€ment and other manufacturers ?
Compositio Rofing: What profit on sales to r@fing contractors t
Should the manufacturer solicit reroof jobs direct?
What commission should be allowed lcal dealers i
Cct of- Dolng Buriness: Can expense always be fig- ured on a percentage basis?
Wliat should the percentage be?
What expcnses are included in the percentage?
Unifrm Cct Acconting: Can a uniform systenr be adooted ? Where can one be had ? Who can install it for us ? Adjournment.
Indications are that there will be a record attendance at the annual meeting of the Pacific Logging Congress. to be lreld at Tacoma, 'Wash., November 2, 3 and 4.
Among the many interesting talks to be given will be one by C. L. Mullen, Sugar Pine Lumber Company, Pinedale, Cal., his subject being: "What I Think of Electric Logging After Two Years' Experience."
.Annual Buquet ud Dmcc, Gold Ball Rm, Alen&ia Hotcl, Lc Angclee, Callfonia. SATURDAY MORNTNG_NOVEMBER 12, T9A 0:30 rLM'
Paul Hallingby, President, Presiding. Appointment of Tellers' Committee. Election of Directors.
Renort of Resolutions Committee. Reoorts of Ofiicers.
Wiat the Assmiation Can Do for Its l\{embers. Renort of Insurance Afriliation.
Plan Book Service.
Ilcal Grouo Assciations. Report of tellers' Committee. Quection Box.
Saiurday Nmn-Organization Meeting of Board of Directors.
Saturday Afternmn-November 12, 1927--8o as you olease. Visit the Exhibits on the l\Iezzanine Flmr. You will find them interesting. ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM
THURSDAY AFTERNOON-NOV. r0, r9A Theater. party for ladies at Chinese Theater, Hollywooq.
Note: Through thc courtesy of the Ils Angeles Chamber of Commerce transportation will be furnished to take all ladies desiring to participate in this entertainment from the Alexandria Hotel, lhaving promptiy at 1:30 o'clock p.m. to the Chinese Theaier and returning them to the hotel after the per' formance. You rnust r€gister at the Convention Registration desk and get your ticket before 10 o'clock a.m. Thursday.
Frlday Noon-Secretaries' Luncheon for Lmal Lumber Club Secretaries.
Sightrelng Trlp fa lrdice: Through the courtbsy of the Ircs Angeles Chamber o{ Commerce, trans- portation will be lurnished to take all ladies attending the convcntion, on a sigbtseeing trip through Glendale, Pasadcna, Hollywmd, Beverly HiUs, the beaches, seeing the new beautiful beach ctubs, and returning to the Hotel Alexandria at about 12:30. when the ladies will be entertained by thc assmiation.
Friday Noon*12:30 P, M. Bridge Luncheon, FRIDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER IT, 1027, 7 o'clocK P. M.
Annual banquet and dance in the Gold Ball Room of the Alexandria Hotel, Ias Angeles.
Shopping Tour-For any ladies wishing to participate. The ladts' committee will escort the lady delegates to the convention to any of the stores they wish to visit. Tuies will be furnished for their convenience,
Organization Luncheon of Board of Directors.
Note: Don't forget to register for entertainment features you wish to participate in at the booth provided for this purpose, early Thursday morning and receive yonr tickets-all entertainment features are includi:d in the registration fe*$3.50 for ladies and 95.00 for men.