2 minute read
Fred Roth
FreJ ltoth is general manager for J, H. McCallum, the prominent San Francisco retail lumber dealer.
Fred Roth is a native Californian and was born right in San Francisco. After completing his school career, he decided to enter the lumber business and his first assignment was with Sudden & Christenson. Later on they sent him to their mill at Prosper, Oregon, where he spent some time at their mill and logging operations. Speaking of his trip to the Northwest, Fred says he tackled two jobs at the same time as he took a bride along with him.
In 1920, he became associated with J. H. McCallum and his advancement with this concern has been rapid. He has been connected with this concern ever since and is now Mr. McCallum's right bower and general-manqggl_of the concern'
He is a fine example of the younger generation of California lumbermen. He hag a pleasing personality, is a tireless worker and takes an active interest in all things that are for the betterment of the lumber industry. He is an active member of Hoo-Hoo and is a finn believer in the principles of the Order. He has acted as Vicegerent Snark of the San Francisco Bay District and during his term of office promoted many excellent affalrs for the lumbermen of his district. During the past year, he has acted as Hoo-Hoo coun' setor for California. and his duties as state counselor have carried him to practically all the Hoo-Hoo districts in the state where he has made a splendid impression on all the lumbermen with whom he has come in contact.
I{e makes his headquarters at the ofrces of the J. H. McCallum lumber yard at 748 Bryant street, San Francisco. If you have never had the pleasure of mceting Fred Roth, drop in and get acquainted with him. You will find that he possesses dl the splendid qualities of a gentleman and is also a lumber executive of high ability.
VICE built into fhese trade-marked lumber
I(now the Lumber
standards unexcelled in the industry, based upon long experience in lumber production and a desire to give maximum construction value to the user. The trademark is placed on the end of the piece for ready identification of such uniform quality.
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The Long,Bell Lumber Company

Building Kenrar City, Mo. Lynbetmct
Having rbserves of finest virgin timber to supply our plants far into the future, we further aim-by careful logging, reforestation of cutover areas and aggressive forest protection:to keep all our forest land acres fully ' stocked with growing timber to sustain a permanent lumber manufacturing enterprise.