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Reid-Galleher Compaoy, Inc.
.lames K. Rcid
One of the most progressive and forceful concerns in the state is the Reid-Galleher Company, Inc., of Long Beach, California, wholesale distributors of building materials.
This concern was established eight years ago by James K. Reid and B. S. Galleher, who are both well known to the lumber trade in California. Associated with them is L. R. Welty who has had years of experience in the lumber business in the Middle West. They are dealers in flooring, agents for Orange county and the Coast section for Murphy In-A-Dor Beds, Southern California distributors for K V P building paper, and agents for Celotex in tlre l,ong Beach, San Pedro and Wilmington territory.
They specialize in Decking, Block, Plank and Parquetry flooring and many splendid jobs in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and Hollywood have been installed by this concern. They have furnished and installed flooring in the following schools: Polytechnic High, Beverly Hills High, Beverly Hills grammar school, -fhircl street school, ll8th street school, Bridge street school, Rose Hill school, Nlarvin avenue school and Fairfax High school.
In the city of Long Beach, they have installed floors in the Woodrow Wilson High School and the Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Alexander Hamilton Junior High schools.
They have also installed floors in the Cabrilla street school, San Pedro; Huntington Beach High School; Masonic Temple, Redondo; Boys' and Girls' Aid Society school, Altadena; Bell High school ; department stores of J. J. Newberry at Los Angeles and Phoenix, Arizona; parish of the Holy Cross, San Luis Obispo and Dominguez Seminary, l)ominguez Junction.
They maintain an office in Los tion. an old-timer in the lumber charge.
Mr. Reid is president of Commerce and Mr. Galleher Builders' Exchange.
Angeles, with C. N. Stangame in Los .\ngeles, in the Long Beach Chamber of is president of the Long Beach
Como wherc thc varrity crowd arrcmbler-wherc playerr rnd fane rclivc the tcn.e momente of thc rtrug- gl". Makc your hcadquartcrr et thc

BruGELLized O a,k Floorin g
That it will not cup, buckle, nor shrink, if laid according to standard practice and if it is not subjected to extreme moieture, atmosphdric or temperetur€ conditions. Under extreme conditions, cupping, buckling or shrinking, if it occurc, will be of slight character.
That it will not be attacked by any wood-boring ineects, euch as Termiter, Vhite Ants and Lyctus Powder Post Beedes, all of which often seriously damage f,oorc and other interior woodwork.
San Francisco Lumbermen Hold Dinner And Smoker
Nearly one hundred Bay District lumbermen gathered at the San Francisco Commercial Club, Wednesday night October 19th, to attend a "get together" dinner sponsored by San Francisco FIoo Hoo Club No. 9. One of the pleasing features of the dinner was that the usual prepared speeches were taboo. Toastmaster Frank O'Connor called on several of those present for short talks, including the president of Oakland Club No. 39 Clem Frazer, Bert Johnson, president of San Francisco club No. 9 and vicegerent snark Bob Grant and state counselor Fred Roth.

The program provided by the entertainment committee under the leadership of Russell Gheen was high claSs. One of the offerings was a ventriloquist who had been ably coached in regard to some of the members and his act was a big hit. The dancing girls with the assistance of Dud Else and Chauncey Stibich put on several pleasing numbers.
Bill Godard headed a large delegation from Oakland. Alameda was represented by Merrill Robinson and Clem Fraser. Harry Gaetjen was there twice, once from Chicago and once from San Francisco; Harry is still young enough to go to the circus and told of an experience he had at a recent performance.
The San Francisco ciub is having excellent noon day meetings, meeting the second and fourth Friday of each month. A special effort is being made to interest the retail trade and also the planing mill men.
Earl Carlson Stricken With Acute Appendicitis
Earl Carlson, San Francisco, the popular and well known representative of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., was stricken with acute appendicitis at 2:OO o'clock Sunday morning, October 23. He was operated on an hour later. He is at present at the St. Luke's Hospital, San Francisco. His many lumbermen friends are hoping that he will have a speedy recovery.
Steamer Coos Bay Wrecked
The steamer Coos Bay belonging to the Coos Bay Lumber Co., and under the command of Capt. B. .W. Olson, ran aground on the south side of Golden Gate Strait about one mile east of Mile Rock lighthouse, Saturday night at 8:06 o'clock during a heavy fog. The vessel was northbound in ballast from the company's yard at Bay Point. She was formerly the naval collier Vulcan and was brought around to this coast about three years ago and renamed the Coos Bay.
President C. A. Goodman, of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association, has called a meeting of the Executive Committee for New York, November 4th. This is the usual fall meeting of the officers for the consideration of the Association's first six months' activities, and to plan for the winter. At this meeting there will also be a discussion as to the time and place for holding the next annual convention.