2 minute read
Buih so tbey Can't Go Wrong
OU can recommend CAIwALLADER I SLAB DOORS to your customers and knowyou're selling doors that will make good.
These doors are built for long and hard usage. Cores are of high grade soft wood bloCks put together with regular stile and rail construction. Waterprdof casein glue applied under hydraulic pressure renders the core permanently moisture-proof. It cannot warpl shrink or iwell.
or they can be painted.
Cost Less Tban Natioe Harda:ood Doors
They are priced right. They are less expensive than native hardwood doors and cost about the same as domestic softwood doors. Keep them in stock. They will bring in new customers and help keep the old ones satisfied.
Hugh Alderman A Los Angeles Visitor
Hugh Alderman, Valley representative for the Pacific Lumber Co., was a recent Los Angeles visitor. lle dror.e down from Fresno to the southern metropolis for the purpose of bringing Dr. T. E. Snyder, entomologist rvith the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, back with him. Dr. Snyder addressed the San Joaquin Valley lumbermen at their meeting on October 15.
Paul Orban Back At His Desk Again
Paul Orban, Orban Lumber Co., Pasadena, is back at his desk again after being confined to his home rvith illness. He reports that,he is convalescing nicely and is glad to get back on the job again.
E. J. Brockmann, San Francisco, Pacific Coast manager of the Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association, is r.isiting the mills in the Pine District on business matters. He rvill l;e away from his office about two weeks.
At the annual meeting of the Ship Owners' Association r/of the Pacific Coast, held recently in San Francisco, Frank .i J. O'Connor of the Donovan Lumber Company was rev elected president of the association. This makes the fifth consecutive time that Mr. O'Connor has been elected to this position.

R. W. Myers and Jarnes H. Maclafferty were elected vice-presidents, and Nat Levin secretary-treasurer.
The following directors were elected for the coming year: Frank J. O'Connor, R. W. Myers, James Tyson, S. M. Hauptman, L. C. Hammond, Otis R. Johnson, L. C. Stewart, S. D. Freeman, H. F. Vincent, W. R. Chamberlin, John L. Reed and T. C. McCabe.
California Millwork Institute Annual November 17 And 18
Will Goddard, secretary-manager of the Alameda county branch of the Millwork Institute of California, announces that the members of that branch have been active in making plans for the annual meeting of the institute to be held at Oakland, November 17 and 18.
A number of good speakers will address the convention on matters of general interest to the industry. "Merchandising Methods" will be the main topic to be discussed.
The new wharf of the Cadrvallader-Gibson Company at Long Beach was opened October 3, when the big steamer West Calera swung alongside with a cargo of hardwood from the Philippines.
The nerv dock is 350 feet long, and the cornpany has an option on an additional 50 feet.
The Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference rvas held at Phoenix, Arizona, on October 18-21. The uniform building code on which the building officials have been working for the past three years was adopted and ,the code will be in print in December. Walter Putnam, Building Inspector of Pasadena, was elected president.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco; Max Cook, California Redwood Association, San Francisco; Dick Kimbell, National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, Washington, D. C.; Jack Horner, San Francisco, manager of the 'Western Division of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association; Art Bevan, assistant secretary Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, and W. B. Wickersham, Charles R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, were among those who attended.