1 minute read
tMs Yodllsee the c d o 5 BeF
tfHE copyrighting of the popular r new ProNrnn Supnn Hrx
SHrNcu has not only reserved for Pioneer Dealers an unusually attractive design but gives them also the only shingle on the market combin, ing this design with dauble thickness oaet the entwe roof.
Make the test, described at the right, with the SUPER HEX . . .try it with any other strip shingle. You'll convince yourself.
In addition to producing a IOOE" waterproof and weather,tight roof the PIONEER SUPER HEX SHINGLE also gives you these selling advantages:,
It produces a distinctive SEMI-THACHED EFFECT so much appreciated on finer homes.
It takes Fewer Shinglee, Fewer Nails and less labor due to its massive size.
It is heavilv surfaced with beautiful shades of non.fading Yosemite rock . . no paint or stain is ever needed.
It is fire ietardant, thereby reducing insurance rates on both home and contents.
Due to doubfe thickness it affords Double Roofng Insulation. And with the PIoNEER Suprn Hnx
SHlNclr you get Pioneer service.. not promises but performance. Immense stocks to serve you and active selling help.. buy when you need themmost!
Here's The Tesfl
Lay up three Super Hex Strips in the regular manner, as shown in the illustration. Holding down the ends of the top and bottom shingles, pull the center one entirely out. You will see that the top shingle still overlaps the lower one . . . not a crack or an opening. That's *hy, when [aid, the Super Hex provides DOUBLE THICK, NESS OVER THE ENTIRE ROOF!