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Mr. Binder Prefers Sugar Pine for Carving Toys
The accompanying photographs shorl' some of the wooden toys carved out from sugar pine by Mr. Frederic Binder of Los Gatos, California. Mr. Binder, a retired business man, is the son of a German artisan, from whom he learned the art of modeling. When his eyesight failed to a point r'vhere it was unwise for him to do much reading, he turned to this work as a hobby.
Mr. Binder spends a great deal of his time rvith his grandchildren, the children of John P. Hemphill, of the Madera Sugar Pine Co., Madera, California. With his knife and specimens of sugar pine, he has carved out an excellent assortment of wooden toys to the great enjoyment of his grandchildren.
In speaking of all the rvoods which he has worked, Mr. Binder states that he likes sugar pine the best, as it is soft, straight grained and lends itself most admirably to exact fidelity of reproduction.
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