1 minute read
Is the ideal location for that new lumber manufacturing plant of yours.
Portland is in the heart of the big timber region of the Pacific Northwest. It also has an abundance of cheap hydro-electric power for manufacturing purposes. Good ocean and railway shipping facilitiee, a mild climate and a fair supply of skilled labor, practically all of which ig non-union.
I will be pleased to serve you in the location, design and construction of that new mill of yours.
Henry Black
Cotn plet e B uilding C ons tr uc tion
Special Attbntion Given to Repair Work
383 Pittock Block - Portl,and, Oregon
Telcphone Broadway 8060
Portland, Oregon Car and Cargo Shipments
Ships S. S. Robent Johnron, S. S. C. D. Johnron III. Spccier-Old Growth Yellorr Fir and Sitka Spruce
Saler Officer: ;!| :ffiffi1nus'' Lolnseu