1 minute read
The Answer To Lower Transportation Cost
A Ca,rrier With
Hea,aier Parts!
HE cost of upkeep and maintenance on the Gerlinger Hydraulic Carrier is less than on any other make carrier. And *hy is this astounding fact true?
Simply because the Gerlinger has 20% to 50 /o less parts-all of which are heavier in construction. Thus the fewer and heavier parts eliminate €Xpensive repair bills; the hydraulic lift and Continental Motor insure speed of operation-all of which answer the problem of lower transportation cost.
Also Speetal Engiieertng Servlee Free to Operators
We have a FREE ADVISORY SERVICE whereby co-operation is afforded to mills in establishing the most efficient yard layout and the least wasteful operation system. Write direct to any of the distributors below for this FREE ADVISORY SERVICE.
The Redwood Sales Contest Entry Shows That Redwood Was Used In Mississippi Before Civil War
The Second Redwood Sales Contest has resulted in manv valuable entries being received from various sections of th; country during the past few monthl The accompanying photographs shol a copy of an affidavit received at the offices of the California Redwood Association, Sa3 Francisco, from the Pacific Lumber Co. of Illinois, Chicago office, rvhich rvas submitted to them by Charles B. Carothers, Incorporated, Memphis, Tenn., regarding the fire resistant qualities of redwood colonial stave columns, together rvith a sample of the redwood columns referred to showing the painted surface.
Simonids Tsniyes
Red Streak High Speed Steel Knives witl giv" voi longer service without regrinding or jointing. They are made of shock-resisting eteel.
Narrow Gaclng, Nanow llulllonr, Plarter Revealr, tor
DIloubletlung ffindowt
Sarh Balancor are the an.wGr.
"Tungsweld," the only Welded High Speed Stecl Knife. The cutting edge of high speed stecl is welded to a goft steel back. Outlast thick carbon steel lcnives three to five times.
Ordcr from

Archer Air Cooled Incinerators
Slow Speed Blowcr
Low Power Syrtemr
Erteblirhcd 19fl)
Phonc HUmbolt |l3
E{l Eert 6lrt St., Lor Angclcr ,165 Celifornir St,, Srn Frenci:co
At the beginning of the rainy season, hundreds of truck oPerators bring their trucks to Truck Tire Service to have new Goodyear All.Veather Tread Tires appliedor to have their worn tires regrooved by means of our special equipment.

Regrooving with the original All-Veather Tread design renews traction and revives cushioning-resulting in many additional miles from the tire equipment.
These operators have learned by experience that the Goodyear All-Weather Tread is the only tread design offering maximum resistance to sideslip and skidding on wet, rain-swept Pavements.