6 minute read

Armstrong Appoints New Southern California \(holesale Distributor

The Armstrong Cork Company of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is pleased to announce the appointment of T'he California Door Company of Los Angeles as the new wholesale distributor of Armstrong's Temlok De Luxe, Temseal Sheathing, Plaster Base Lath, Temboarcl :rnd Temwood Products, and Adhesive.

The wholesale distribution of Temlok has in the past been handled by the Warren & Bailey Company of. 4536 Distri.ct Boulevard, Los Angeles, but from November 1 all wholesale orders for this material will be handled by The California Door Company from their warehouse at 237-24I Central Avenue, Los Angeles, where complete stocks of these Armstrong products are already on hand.

'l'he California Door Company was founded back in the gold rush days, 86 years ago.

Their Los Angeles house has been doing business rvith the dealers of Southern California for more than half a century, and for 34 years at the present location. The company rloes an exclusively 'rvholesale business. Complete stocks of sash, doors, screens, panels, rvallboards. glass and columns are carried in the warehouse. A lumber business is also done in carload lots of Sugar Pine from the company's own sau'mill at Diamond Springs, Calif.

Glenn O. Fogelman is resident manager of The California Door Company at Los Angeles. He has been with tl.re company for the past 20 years, and has a host of friends among the Southern California dealers. He is assisted by an efficient sales staff.

Armstrong's experience in the manufacture of insulation covers a period of many years. Since the turn of th€ century Armstrong has been making and installing corkboard insulation for industrial and commercial plants, cold storage rooms and warehouses, dairy and ice cream plants, packing plants and fur storages, and for all types of buildings throughout the country.

Armstrong's factories have produced more than one billion feet of Armstrong's Corkboard. Temlok is Armstrong's answer to the need for an efficient, dependable insulating material, low enough in cost to make it practical for the less severe conditions encountered in homes, farm structures and other general applications where insulation is desirable.

The branch offices directing the sale of Armstrong's Temlok are Los Angeles, with C. B. Sauer as district manager; San Francisco, with F. K. Pinney as district manager; Seattle, with John Harvey as resident salesman.

Northern California distributor is California Builders Supply Company, Oakland. Pioneer Sand & Gravel Comoany is distributor in the Seattle territory, and Spokane Paper & Stationery Co. is Spokane territory distributor.

'TTEMLOK De Luxe offers you r the three-way sales advantages of COLOR, INSULATION, and NOISE-QUIETING in one materiall Factory-finished in ash, coral, cream, green, walnut, and white. Sell Temlok De Luxe for either new construction or rernodeling-for residential, commercial, or public buildings.

Write for cooplete infomation about Armrtrong'r Temlok De Lurc, aad rmples, to Amstrong Cck Products Compoy, Building Mataials Divi. 8ion, lO08 Concord Sttet, LaDcastd. Pmsylvmia.

The Friend Who Just Stands By

When trouble comes your soul to try, You love the friend who just "stands by." Perhaps there's nothing he can do, The thing is strictly up to you; For there are troubles all your own, And paths the soul must tread alone; Times when love can't smooth the road, Nor friendship lift the heavy load.

But just to know you have a friend Who will "stand by" until the end, Whose sympathy through all endures, Whose warm handclasp is always yours, It helps, some way, to pull you through, Although there's nothing he can do. And so, with fervent heart you cry, "God bless the friend who just stands by."

-Mrs. Bertye Y. Williams.

Makes Perfect

"You cough more easily this morning," said the Doctor, as he sat down by the patient's bedside.

"I should," said the sick man, dryly. "I'practiced twelve hours last night."


Dependability is one of the choicest virtues to possess, and the man or woman who lacks it is a mighty good person to steer clear of. A person may have many minor faults that we can laugh off and overlook, but by the great horn spoon if we are not able to depend on them, they may take one side of the street, and we will take the other. If you have a boy, and you find, as you sometimes will, that you cannot teach him everything that you would Iike him to know, for the love you bear him teach him one thing-dependability.


It's a good thing to have the money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.-George Horace Lorimer.

It Takes So Little

It takes so little to make us glad, Just the cheering clasp of a friendly hand, Just a word from one who can understand, And we finish the task we long had planned, And we lose the doubt and fear we had, So little it takes to make us glad.


"I shall miss you while you are on your hunting trip, dear," said the young wife. "And f shall pray that the other hunters do the same thing."


Education is a companion which no fortune can depressno crime destroy-no enemy alienate-no despotism enslave. At home, a friend; abroad, an introduction; in solitude, a solace; and in society, an ornament. Without it, what is man? A splendid slave, a reasoning savage.


All That Was Left

A certain man had barely survived the depression, but had lost all his material possessions.

One day he was seen walking around down town and every time he turned a corner he held out his left arm. A friend noticed him, smelled his breath, looking him over carefully, and said:

"You're not drunk, so you must be plain nuts. What's the idea of holding out your arm on corners?"

"Oh" said the other, "I'm just enjoying my ride in the family car. That's all I've got left of it, you know."

A Practical Application

It was the first real snow storm of the year and the teacher felt it her duty to caution her pupils before dismissing them. "Boys and girls should be very careful about colds this time of the year," she began solemnly. "I once had a darling brother, just six years old. One day he went out in the snow with his beautiful new slecl, and caught cold. In three days he was dead." The schoolroom was deadly quiet for a half a minute. Then a voice from the back row asked: "Where's his sled?"

USG Announces Monthly Payment Plan for Remodeling

The United States Gypsum Company has announced a monthly payment plan that places the lumber dealer on an equal basis with the dealers selling so-called luxury iterns.

One of the reasons why,owners have been slow in ordering necessary building repairs and remodeling has been due to the methods of payment. The small monthly payments offered by dealers in automobiles, radios, washing machines, etc., easily influence the purchase of these instead of building materials.

The USG Plan applies to any repair or remodeling job of $250O or less which meets the requirements set up under provisions of Sections I and 2 of Title I of the National Housing Act as amended February 3, 1938.

One of the im,portant features of the USG Monthly Payment Plan is that it has no restrictions regarding materials. The contractor who uses this plan through a USG dealer has complete freedom in choice of materials. He can use all USG materials or no USG materials, provided the job meets the finance company's credit requirements. Neither the dealer nor the contractor is liable for a single cent in case of default on a note accepted by the finance company. The notes are endorsed "without recourse."

The USG Monthly Payment Plan has one feature that will be an effective sales help to the lumber dealer. The customer does not have to pay a single dollar down. His first payment falls due 3O days after the date of his note. The note is not executed until the job is completed or installed and accepted by the owner.

The lumber dealer operating through this plan relieves himself of collection expense and the problem of slow payments. As soon as the job is finished and the owner has executed his note, the dealer receives his payment from the finance com,pany. He, in turn, pays the contractor. From then on the deal is entirely.between the owner and the finance company.

The lumber dealer benefits from this plan in a number of ways. He has less sales resistance because he is selling on a plan that has become popular with the public. He has less competition and avoids the tendency of the buyer to shop for price. The plan is the best answer to price competition. The dealer is selling a service that offers the purchaser a more attractive and more comfortable home, a service that increases the value of his property and saves expense on upkeep.

The USG Monthly Payment Plan also covers those cases where the dealer's customer wishes to purchase materials and supply his own labor.

This simple monthly plan is available to all lumber dealers who are selling USG materials. The details for securing authorization to operate on this plan will be promptly furnished to any dealer through the company's offices or salesmen.

District offices of the United States Gypsum Companv have announced that their representatives are helping to tain the dealers' organizations and the contractors in the proper use of the Monthly Payment Plan to increase the dealers' business.

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