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Sudden t
of a size; three hundred foot long, five inches thick, seven foot rvide, straight as strings, hard as the rock of Gibber's alter, sufface four side an' everything. We gloats fur a spell, an' then gits on with the job. After which we sets back to wait results. We hasn't long to wait; right awaymost, that ornery manzanita strain gets in its work, an' afore the week is out, them big planks starts to twist an' curl like all tarnation. All of a sudden like, they turns into gosh-awful corkscrew's, an' we knows the idee is a rvhing-dinger.
We then takes time out, an' goes down to the city to celebrate. Next day we lays up for repairs, an' the day after that one, we forms a clost up corporation, invents a trade mark, an'puts our product on the market.
Well sir, we been doin' a whale of business ever since, sellin' our patent-Sun Twist-spiral stair cases fur use in light houses, capitol domes an' other such like structures; rvhich is numerous
Manzanita sure has done Bill an' I many a good turn, so if you has a patch of the same, an' ain't aimin' to use it none, r,ve'll take it off your hands at your own figgers, an' be mighty glad of the chanct, we will, by gum !
An' just be rememberin' stranger, that adversity has a rrse; Bill an' me has proved that conclusive.
Manzanita Ike. A. N{erriam Conner.
Wheeler Osgood ofiers the country's most complete line of doors----enabling you to meet euery door requirement, Craftsmanship construction provides I0 points of superiority, found in total in no other make. Examine each point and prove the ertra salability to yourself. The 10-10 sales plan will help you cash in on the r:ountry's most complete line of doors. Write for complete information, there is no obligation.
Retail News Items
Hayward Dill, Dill Lumber Co., Banning; Russell McCoy, McCoy Lumber Co., Hemet, and "Chuck" Dill, Dill Lumber Co., Redlands, spent several days in Oregon duck hrrnting.
Italph Joss, Whiting-Mead Co., Los Angeles, has been rioing jury duty the past few weeks.
Harry McGahey, San Diego Lumber Co., San Diego, back from a hunting trip in Utah.
Oscar Glick. Glick Brothers Lumber ;s convalescing from his recent illness. Los Angeles,
Home From The Hunt
Bill Sampson of the Sampson Company, Pasadena, his son John and their rvives, returned October 24 lrom a trip to the Grand Canyon, Zion National Park and Saint George, Utah. From the latter place Bill and John went on a hunting trip to Pine \,ralley, where they each got a buck. On the way Bill stopped at Big Bear and got the limit of ducks.
The Celotex Carpenters' Manual is now being distributed to dealers in the Southern California territory by the Geo. I,l. Ream Company, Los Angeles. [4r. Ream says this book rvill be a real help to the dealer as it gives full information regarding the use and application of all Celotex products, and should therefore make it easier for dealers to fincl more uses for these products, and as a result increase their sales and orofit on the line.
Visits Southland
J. B. Poner, general manager, Vancouver Plywood & Veneer Co., Vancouver, Wash., was in Los Angeles last u'eek on a business trip. He made his headquarters at the office of Tacoma Lumber Sales, Southern California sales rcpresentatives for his company.
Los Angeles And San Francisco Visitor
W. M.(Bill)Hamrrerschmith, Port Garnble, Wash., superintendent of production for Pope & Talbot Lumber Co., spent a ferv days at the company's San Francisco and Los Angeles offices last month.
North Porttand, Ore. Jac&sonville, Florida
The Davis Lumber Company, Davis, Calif., has one of the finest and most modern hardware and building material stores in the country. The new building, opened a little over a year ago, is on the corner of 3rd and G Slreets, right in the center of town, and is of reinforced concrete coustruction, rvith 50 feet frontage and a depth of 9O feet.
Celotex Insulating Tile is used on the ceilings of the store and offices. The general office and private office are finished in Knotty Pine. Oak flooring is used in the private office and the general office has a Maple floor. The lighting fixtures are of the most modern type. Starks & Flanders. Sacramento, were the architects.
The store is heated by a gas furnace, which has a blolver system that heats the whole building quickly.
Davis Lumber Company took over the Anderson Hardrvare Store in December, 1937. The stock carried includes a full line of builders' and household hardrvare and plumbing supplies. There are fine displays of Armstrong ancl Pabco linoleums, Fuller paints, a Peerless de luxe kitchen' sporting goods, the Delta line of power tools, and in fact every line carried by an up-to-date establishment of this kincl. A full line of unpainted furniture is stocked.
A feature of this store is that although 100 miles frorn