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Sudden t

Sudden t

snow skis are rented and sold.

E. S. McBride, manager, reports that they are doing a very good volume of business, the first nine months of this i'ear having exceecled the business done in the whole of 1937.

Immediately behind the store is a hardware storage lrtrilding, 12'xIOO'. Across the street another building, 100'x120' houses insulation materials, sash doors and panels. Behind this building is a small mill. All lumber is runder cover.

"We handle a lot of insulating materials, and the people of the Sacramento Valley are becoming insulation-minded," \'tr. McBride says.

The company has a com'plete building service, and one result of the extension of the hardware department of the lrttsiness is that they come in contact with more people'

The Davis Lumber Company rvas established in 79O7 at the same location. E. T. Robie and E. S. McBride bought this yard in 1922, and Mr. McBride has managed it since that time.

N{r. McBride's son, John, and Donald Anderson run the store. Mrs. Gordon Anderson is accountant. William \\rright is yard superintendent.

Ten Years Ago Today

From Nove mber 1, 1928 lssue

Bob Osgood of Los Angeles spent his vacation in Mexico Citv.

Harry Vincent won the low gross prize at the San Francisco Lumbermen's Golf Tournament held at the Presidio Golf Club, October 5. First low net prize in Class A was won by I-ouis C. Stewart, and second, by F. L. Dettman. Low net winners in Class B were G. R. Bleecker, A. C. Horner and Roy Hills. Norman Vincent, Fddie Peggs and J. Walter Kelley were the low net Class C winners. The prizes were presented following dinner in the evening Russell Gheen was toastmaster, handling the job in fine shape and keeping everybody happy. Eddie Peggs, Hugh Handley, Bert Johnson and Eddie Tietjen were in charge of the arrangements for the tournament.

California Panel & Veneer Co., of I-os Angeles, had an attractive exhibit at the National Air Races. The display included various wing sections, leading edges, tail surfaces and other parts of airplanes, showing how plywood is used in aircraft construction.

Wood Brothers Co joining their property' and mill quarters.

Santa Cruz, purchased a large lot adpreparatory to enlarging their lumber

Rossman Mill & Lumber Co., a half block of property as a site Ltd., Wilmington, purchased for their new yard.

Tilden Lumber & Mill Company, Oakland, announced the sale of four yards. The yards at Alvarado, Irvington and Newark were sold to the Hansen Lumber Company of Centerville, and the Milpitas yard was sold to Erwin Crabb.

D. J. Robinson, representative for the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company at Fargo, North Dakota, is nominated for a place in lumber's Hall of Fame. He is the man who "put across" the largest single rail shipment of lumber on record-a solid train, 58 cars, 1,566,000 feet of packaged lumber orders.

Valley Lumber Company of Lodi Lumber Company at Lockford. purchased the Nixon

Knox Lumber Company, Sacramento, announced the removal of its office from Second and M Streets where it has been since September, 1886, to its yard at 2330 Fro'nt Street.

C. E. Williams Lumber Co. completed construction of its new vard on Vallev Boulevard at Wilmar.

The Ted Lawrence and Clifi Bergstrom versus Max Landrum and A. L. Sailor golf classic was finally settled after three hard fought matches. Each team had won a game and the final match was played at Flintridge, Lawrence and Bergstrom coming through to win six up.

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