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1800-A Wilmingrton Rocrd, Scrn Pedro, Ccrlil. Telephone, Scn Pedro 2200 Los Angeles Telephone, PRospect 4341

The Man \(/hose \(/ord is Good

Credit means the ability to borrow because the lender knows the loan will be paid.

Credit is offered a man on the belief that he rvill PAY. either because of his moral or financial stability.

MORAL credit is the best of all credit. Because of their moral credit, many men of small means can obtain financial help easily, because they have proven that their word is good. Men of this sort often can get financial help easier than can some men of large means whose worcl is known to be of small value.

Moral credit means that it is known that a man's word is good, and that he lvill do exactly as he says he will. The soundest man on earth is the man who keeps his word no matter how difficult it may be for him to do so.

Everyone who knows him has a good rvord for the man lvhose word is knorvn to be good. The man who pays his accounts, lives up to his agreements, lives .ivithin his means, does what he says he will do on the day he says he will <io it-or bust-is the kind of citizen all employers are looking for-all lenders n'ant to do business with.

And the man who builds a reputation for NOT keeping his word, NOT living up to his obligations-enjoys very little respect from his fellow men. No one wants that kind of a man.

U. S. Pfywood Corp. Announces New Product

Announcement is made by Lawrence Ottinger, president of the United States Plywood Corporation of "Weldbord," a new hardwood resin-bonded plywood wallboard. In speaking of this new product he says: "Mass production, the latest machinery, and the engineering skill and experience of our Algoma associates, covering a period of 50 years, have made it possible to offer Weldbord at approximately one-third the previous cost of products of equal quality.

"Weldbord is a natural hardwood wallboard combining structural strength, water resistance and smooth surface. Iloth faces and the core are of hardwood, welded together under heat and pressure with synthetic resin. The grain runs the short way, giving extra stiffness and minimizing joint shrinkage. It takes walnut or mahogany finish with remarkable fidelity. It is available in two grades, waterresistant for interior and temporary exterior use, and waterproof for permanent exterior use at slightly higher price."


Charles M. Rose, former salesman for Hart-Wood Lumber Co. of San Fran,cisco, was a recent visitor in Los Anseles and San Francisco. He has been in the hotel business in the Northwest for some time, recently as manager of the Hotel Perkins in Portland. He expects to locate in Southern California and will probably continue in the hotel !.r-rsiness.

Wolmanized Lumber and Teco Connectors tVill Be Used in Columbia River Bridge

Washington, D. C.-The contract for the Puget IslandCathlamet Bridge in Washington has been awarded to the low-bid contractor who specified Wolmanized Douglas fir lumber and Teco connectors for the assembly of the trusses and approaches.

The bridge will be 2400 feet long and will cross the lower Columbia River between Puget Island and Cathlamet, county seat of Wahkiakum County. It will consist of nine frame truss spans and is being constructed by the State of Washington Highway Commission with PWA funds. Covering specifications are standard for the Washington Department of Highways and have been approved by the U. S. Bureau of Puhlic Roads. The structure, when completed in the summer ctf 1939, will represent a cost of $400.000.

The contracts for the bridge rvere let in three units. The first unit was for foundation piers. The second unit was for the 1200 lineal feet of fotrr steel snans over the river channel. The center soan has 420 feet horizontal and 50 feet vertical clearance for river steamer traffic. The third unit represents the 1200 lineal feet of aporoach incline on the Puget Island end from low-elevation. diked land. At the Cathlamet end no apnroach is necessarv as the hir.'h steel spans connect directly with hiohwav No. 12 at that level.

Snecifications for the center stoel soans of Unit No. 2 called for 200 000 feet of Douslas fir, all of it Wolmanized and most of which was 3x6 inch, 22-foot select structural laminated decking on which an asphalt wearing mat is to be aoolied. The Wolmanized lumber also included the 7 by 8-inch wheel guard and the sidewalk lumber.

Specifications in Unit No. 3 called for 67,000 feet of Douglas fir for the sidewalks and trestle bracing, 50,000 feet of which was Wolmanized and used for sidewalks. The soecifications then provided for three alternates for the main portion of the approach spans as follows: (1) 500.000 feet of Wolmanized lumber for an all-wood structure; (2) 500,000 feet of creosoted lumber for an all-wood structure; and (3) a steel structure which reduced the lumber requirements to 238,000 feet. The low bids on these alternates were: $107.000 for allwood and Wolmanized; $1 17,000 for all-wood and creosoted, and $111.000 for a steel-wood structure. The contract was awarded to the low bid for 500,000 feet of Wolmanized Douglas fir for an all-wood approach made up of 17 bents of timber trestle and 9 wood truss spans of 96 feet each.

The entire bridge will use about 750,000 feet of Wolmanized Douglas fir prefabricated befor'e vacuum-pressure treatment in the Wauna, Oregon plant of the American Lumber & Treating Co. The nine frame truss spans in Unit No. 3 provide for the use of Teco split rings and shear plate connectors.

The lumber will be manufactured by Crossett Western Co., Wauna, Oregon, and other sawmills near the bridge site. Parker-Schram Co., contractors of Portland, Oregon, were low bidders on all three units of the bridge.

Visits Pine Mills

Mt. Whitney Ponderosa and Sugar Pine

Soft textured-easy to work crnd takes q line finish

Specicrlizing in 4/4lo 16/14, crll grcdes, Irom No. 2 Shop cnrd Better.

Truck cnd trailer delivery to crll Cclilornicr points. Stocks will be cqrried qt our Los Angeles ycrd lor winter delivery.

Bqnd Scrwn-Ncture Cured (Air Dry)

Ponderosa crnd Sugcrr Pine-White Fir Cclilornicr Incense Cedcr

Mt. Whitney Lunber Conpany

Mill-Iotrnsondcle, Cclil.


Hewy E. Pries, Scles Mcmcrger

T. M. (Ty) San Diego, was California Pine

Cobb, T. M. Cobb Co., back October 26 f.rom a sawmills.

Los Angeles and tour of Northern

Genercl Sales Office-3030 Ecrst Pico St., Los Angeles Telephone ANgelus 0l7l

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