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First Choice lumbermen's

J October l93B Edition \

I Just O{l the Press ,


It Is Kepi Continuously Up-To-Dcte -by meons of Supplements issued Twice-o-Week.

Containg Much Exclueive Inlormction

-reported by members ol notionql lumber cnd woodwork ossociqtions.

Eqch Business Claesified in Detoil -to oid you in the selection of logicol "prospects".

Street rtlddresgea in all Cities -essentiol when circulorizino in cities.

Only Lumber cnd Woodworlting Ncmes ---oniy nomes in which you dre interested.

Two-Color Stcte Mcps trnd U. S. Mcp -o big help in locoting shippers ond routing shipmenls.

Digest of Commercial Lcwg a

-is extremely helplul in hondling crediis and collections.

Thumb Indexed lor Quick Relerence -onother leolure moking it eosy to use.

Monulocturers ond wholesolers in ALL lines thot sell to lumber deolers, millwork mcnulqcturers, Iurniture qnd other woodworking foctories, preler Lumbermen's Red and Blue Book Service becquse it speciolizes in reporting on the lines of trode they sell. They ore not required to poy Ior inlormqtion in which they hqve no interest, in order to obtoin the inlormqtion they octuolly need.

Try It Before You Buy It

You con leqrn, in your own office, how the Lumbermen's Credit Roting Book will help you. Write todoy for detoils qbout our 30 Doy Approvol Plon.


Telephone us your orderwhen your driver calls the load will be assernbled and ready to drop onto your truck. Itts time saved and rrroney in your pocket.

Douglcrs Fir-Redwood-Ponderosc Pine-Spruce Insulux Glcss Blocks

Curtis Woodwork-Douglcrs Fir Plywoods-Art Ply U S G Plcster-U S G Rock Laih

15 lb. Felt-S K crnd Siscrlkrcrlt-Building Pcper


Ncils-Wire-Corrugcrted Sheets-Metcrl Lcth

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