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TT PAYS TO SELL fhe extrs"yeerdge" of
Natue gives Redwood the inherent qualities which enable it to withstand exposure to earth, ah and moisture.
Palco Redw,ood has the accurate milling, proper curing and careful grading that bring your customers back for more. It pays to sell the extra "yearage" of Redwood. It pays to buy Palco Redwood. The Palco Redwood representative will show you why.
Spuosott oJ tbc Dtrabh Wds Instit*tc
Redwood Headouarters
JI OU can imagine wbat the panen-by will ray: "Look! Thattc the kind of a house we want-.stucco.tt And rorne plartcrins contractor getr another job.
There'a no getting arourd it--every good-looLing, durable rtucco job you do insures future businers. Thattr why it'' ro important to keep a clooe cfieck on quality. Here are rome of the nrles ttat inrure a good job:
SEE that the rtructure ic rigid and well.framed . that tte base is O.K. . . that fashing and other protective rtnrctural details are properly d'eeigned . . that only rtucco made with PORTLAND CEMENT or WATER-FROOFED PORTLAND CEMENT ir used for all coatr-mixed, applied and cured according to approved methodt.
Write for free "PLASTERER'S MANUAL," covering rpecificationr and methode for making good stucco.
P0RTUilD CEitEtfT tss0cnil0il
DepL I ll[-2,,816 W. Fifth SL, Lor Angelce, Calif.
A netioncl orgcnization to improve rnd ertend thc urer of concrcte{hrough rcientific rccecrch and enginccring field wod<.