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"DURO" BnoNze

Hoo-Hoo Club Urges Defeat of Ham 'N' Eggs Law

A resolution urging lumbermen to exert every effort to defeat the passage of the California State Retirement Life Payment Act was introduced by Frank W. Trower dnd unanimously adopted at the meeting of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, October 23.

The resolution is as follows:

WHEREAS: The added tax (3/o on incomes over $3,000.00 per year and, 2l/o on food sales) proposed by the "lfam & Eggs" or "Thirty Thursday" law, will increase the cost of doing business and deter home building by increasing living costs; and

WHEREAS: These new taxes, as well as Social Security, California lJnemployment Reserves, and California Sales Tax are all preferred claims and must be paid, in full, ahead of labor and general creditors' claims; and

WHEREAS: The proposed State warrants are not legal tender and cannot be used to pay for merchandise purchased outside the State; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED: That Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 of Metropolitan Oakland, in regular meeting assembled, October 23, 1939, does urge that all lumbermen exert every effort within their lawful power, between this date and November 7,1939, to defeat the passage of the State Constitutional Amendment, entitled "California State Retirement Life Payment Act."


Mr. Jack Dionne, California Lumber Merchant, Los Angeles, California

Dear Mr. Dionne:

There is something I've been wanting to say for years-I read every word in the California Lumber Merchant, including all the advertisements, and I know there are hundreds like me who keeo informed in this way.

In other words, or the. same ones again-I'm just trying to say, "thank you"-for a fine lumber journal.

Cordially yours, Jim Overcast, Strable Hardwood Companf, Oakland. California

Successful Deer Hunt

Miland Gra,nt of Western Door & Sash Co., San Francisco, and G. W. "Chris" Sechrist, Loop Lumber & Mill Co., Oakland, went deer hunting on Blue Mountain, Modoc County, first week in October. Both were successful, Chris getting a 31Glb. five-pointed mule-tail and Miland a 15Glb. specimen of the same variety.

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