2 minute read
l'lV 4oucnile Sfuf
By laclz Siawac
Age not guaranteed---Some I have told lor 20 years---Somc Lcss
It Didn't Last
The story is going the rounds of the horse-player who always lost. One day at the races he was with a beautiful blonde girl. As he started to make a bet on a long-shot she pulled a hair from her head and handed it to him, saying"Take this with you for luck." The horse won and paid a big price.
That night they were married. A year later a friend mEt them, and HE DIDN'T HAVE A DOLLAR TO HIS NAME, AND SHE DIDN'T HAVE A HAIR ON HER HEAD.
East Bay Club Hears Talk on Getr.ny ] Wholesale Yard Distributors Annual
William B. Curts, U. C. student, recently returned from Germany, where he was a student, told members of HooHoo Club No. 39 of his experiences there, including his arrest as a suspected propagandist, at the regular meeting of the Club, held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Monday evening, October 23. Mr. Curts answered many questions and the consensus was that his talk was a very'interesting one. The speaker was introduced by Bestor Robinson, Oakland attorney.
Jas. B. Overcast, president of the Club, presided.
Frank W. Trower, Seer of the House of Ancients, g'ave a short talk on Hoo-Hoo and showed members the ninepointed diamond star, badge of his office.
Others who spoke briefly were Bert Bryan, M. B. "Nick" Carter, H. "Abe" Lincoln, Jr., and Don Coveney.
The musical part of the program was contributed by Herb Townsend. tenor. of Oakland.
A. C. Peterson, sales manag'er, Buffelen Lumber & Manufacturing Co., Tacoma, was a San Francisco Fair visitor last week on the way back from a business trip to Denver and Salt Lake Citv.
The annual meeting of the National Wholesale Lumber Yard Distributors'Association was held at the Lord Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore, Md., on September 22.
Officers re-elected were D. C. Maclea, Maclea Lumber Co., Baltimore, Md., president; D. J. Cahill, Western Hardwood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, first vice-president; F. G. Christ'mann, Christmann Veneer & Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo., second vice-president; J. Jackson Kidd, Jr., Kidd & Buckingham Lumber Co., Baltimore, Md., secretarytreasurer.
Among the directors re-elected were J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Francisco, and Roger Sands, Ehrlich-Harrison Co.. Seattle. Wash.
Pacific Plywood Corporation Makes First Shipments To Los Angeles
Roy Fobes, branch manager for the Pacific Mutual Door Co. at Los Angeles, reports that the first two cars of Douglas fir plywood manufactured by the Pacific Plywood Corporation, Willamina, Ore., ca,me to their Los Angeles plant.
The Pacific Plywood Corporation expects to be in full production in about thirty days. H. J. Nunneley, who is well known in the California territory, is sales manager.
New Dwellings Involve $701,160,800
Nearly 194,000 new family dwelling units, costing $701,160,800, were constructed in cities of 10,000 population or more in the first eight months of 1939, a gain of 38.3 per cent in numbers and D per cent in costs over the same period last year, the Division of Research and Statistics of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board reported. Should the trend continue through December, residential construction in 1939 will come nearer to meeting estimated needs than in any year since 1930, officials said.
Valued at $105,491,60o, urban residential construction in August was 23.2 per cent higher than in July-an increase rvhich is considerably greater than the usual slight seasonal rise-and 35 per cent greater than in August, 1938.
The expenditures represented the estimated cost of 28,342 new family dwelling units under construction or projected during the month as against 23,479 units in July and 2I,126 units in the comparable month last year, according to an analysis by the board's statisticians of building permits reported to the Department of Labor.
Elected Kiwanis President
Joe Rogers of the Square Deal Lumber Company, Salinas, was recently elected president of the Salinas Kiwanis Club for 194O.
Calls On Mills
J. H. (Jerry) Stutz of Atkinson-Stutz Co., San Francisco, has returned from calling on the firm's sawmill connections in Oregon.
This mcrk is your qssurqnce ol thoroughly, properly, crnd uniformly Kiln Dried Ponderoscr Pine Lumber, Mouldings, and Cut Stock
E\IERY month oI the yecr.