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Southern Californians MeetinL.A.Nov. 18
What always is one of the most enjoyable as well as one of the most inspiring events in the affairs of Southern California. lumbermen as the annual convention of the Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers' association, and the annual ofr 1922 will be no exception.
Indeed, no. It is going to be one of the most interesting in the history of that wide-awake organization.
The meeting will take place in the Alexandria hotel next Saturday, November 18 and will last all day. Business meetings are scheduled for the morning and afternoon with a banquet and afterdinner speaking in the evening.
The principal address of the morning meeting after the formal opening by President W. T. Davies, will be delivered by "Hank"' Riddiford, the erudite directing genius of the Los Angeles Exchange. Mr. Riddiford has more lumber facts and information in his head than probably any other individual in California and he is going to tell sorre of the things that he has learned in the many years of his successful service to the industry. His remarks will have particular application to the prospective depletion of timber supply and the necessity for reforestration.
At the afternoon meeting H. S. Stronach, of the West Coast Forest Products Bureau, Parson Peter Simpkin, chaplain of HooHoo, George M, Cornwall, editor of The Timberman and H. W. Diddley, secretary of the Hardware Dealers' association, will be the speakers.
Following that will be an "open forum" on topics' pertaining to the industry, and the annual election of officers.
The dinner is scheduled for 6:30 in the evening. Good music and entertainment have been provided. The principal after-dinner speaker will be Jack Dionne, publisher of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT.
The committeee in charge of arrangements consists of C. W. Pinkerton, C. H. Chapman and Frank L. Fox.
Geo. S. Osgood, Big Door Manufacturer, Visits L. A.
George J. Osgood, head of the Wheeler-Osgood Company, widely known sash, door, panel and veneer manufacturers, of Tacoma, is passing a few weeks in California and visiting with his son, Robert S. Osgood, manager of the Los Anleles branch of the company.
Mr. Osgood motored down from Taco_ma, stopping at various points of interest along the way. On his return trip he will be accompanied by Mrs. Osgood, who preceded him South to have a longer visit with their son.
Mr. Osgood reports the door business more active than at any time in recent history. Their Tacoma office is l,oaded with orders that will keep the big plant busy until after the first of the year. The factory now is producing more than 4.500 doors Der dav and lvill incre,ase this output to 5000 within the next 3O-days.
On his arrival in Los Angeles Mr. Osgood was notified of his appointment as vicegerent snark of the Tacoma HooH.oo district for the coming year. While he joined the order only a few months ago he already.is an enthusiastic Hoo-Hoo.
Long-Bell Oak Flooring

Produced from thoroughly seasoned lumber, Long-Bell Trade-Marked Oak Flooring is accurately manufactured, uniformly graded, and perfectly finished. Every possible precaution is taken in the method of handling and shipping to make certain that it reaches the dealer in perfect condition.
This extra care, coupled with the inherent beauty, durability, economy, and susceptibility of OAK to fine finish, assures ':The Perfect Floor."
So that both dealers and users can take advantage of this unusual combination, this flooring is branded LONG-BELL.
Ask for the booklet, "The Perfect Floor"