3 minute read
On Reforestation
Spokane, Wash., Nov. 6.-The problem of reforestation in the northwest, "the last timber region of the country," is a present one, according to I. N. Tate of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, with offices in the Old National bank, Spokane, Wash., at a recent meeting of the Spokane Realty Board.
"We could have rvith intensive cultivation," he said, "an annual growth in this region of 27,ffi,ffi,000 feet' B"l *ho *"itt to invest u'heie the crop is planted today and the harvest in 40 or 50 years, and where you can not tell what the fire hazards and the tax collections will be? Who u,ants to do selective cutting of his own timber when his neighbor cuts the forests away clean ?
"It is therefore essentially a problem for federal or state solution, this conservation. But we can have with a little sovernmental supervision and some practical reforestation' i forest yield in perpetuity here in the northwest'"
Mr. Tate said that of 822,000,000 acres of forest land orieinallv in the northwest, about half remains now, and wh-at remains in the nation represents nearly ha'lf of tlte world's stand. And half of the forest lands left in the United States, he said, is in Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho and Montana. Of this, three-fourths- is privately owned, 18 per cent is owned by the states, and 7 percent liy the goveinment. Consumplion, at present, at about six times as fast as natural growth.
l. Reversible circulation insures uniform drying throughout the entire lumber pile. The Internd Fan Kiln is the-onty mechanical circulating kiln having the reversible feature.
2. Much less horsepower is required to operate the fans than any other mechanical kiln. Olly -o-ne- 7rf^horsepnwer motor is required to operate one kiln 11x104 feet.
3. Continuous drviirs is assured even though electric power is shut ofi, becau-se with fans not in operation kiln becomes an efficient natural draft kiln.
4. Uniformity of air movement and short air travcl is secured by distribution of fans the full length.of kiln. They produce i large volume of air at low static -qressure in iine with the-natural circulation inside the kiln. There is no leakage, nor is the air sucked back and forth through a duct system.
5. The Heating System is located inside the kiln noom' therebv rrreventin-s l6ss of heat units by outside exPosuna Heatins'coils are?istributed the full length of kiln, close to metil ducts, which tends to prevent metal ducts from rustins and insures uniform heat distribution'
6. bemonstrated simplicity of design wbich features Moore's Roof Ventilatiori, sidplified metal ducts,- substantial fan system and accessible heating qnits, result in ease and economy of installation and operation.
Our Idea Of Things
Be broadminded, think of others. Let your thoughts be governed by gentleness. See the good in others and recog;i;t; Jwi faults. Smile whei a smile wlll cheer' Be not 6linded by your own narrow Plgasrrres' Seek good' *hol"ro-" enioyment. Be kind to all things' Give lhtt ' you can willingiy and happiness will be your reward'
The American Creed
I believe in the United States of America as a govern- ment of the people, by the people, for the peopleiwhose Just powers are derived from the consent oflhe governed; a democracy -in a republic; a sovereign nation of many states; a perfect union, one and inseJarable: establishei upon those principles of freedom, equaiity, justice and hu- manity for which American patrioti sacrificed their lives and fortune_s. I, therefore, believe' it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its constitution, to -obey its laws,. to respect its flag and to defend it againsi all enemles.
This was written by William Tyler page of Baltimore, and he received $1,000 for the 100 words. He is a descendant of- President James Tyler, and also of Carter Braxton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Down Where The Vest Begins
Down where the belt clasps a little stronger, Dqwn where the pants should be a little longer, ' That's where the Vest begins; Down where you wish you were a little slighter, Where each day the buttons grow a little tighter, That's where the Vest begins.
Down where the pains are in the making, And each heavy meal will soon start it aching, That's where the Vest begins.
Wher'e each added pound is the cause of sighing, When you knorv in your heart that the scales aren't lying, And you just have to guess tvhen your shoes need tying, That's where the Vest begins.
Ihe Orange Tree.
Stppose Your Plant Should Burn Tonight-

'would y_ou b-e able to vierr the twisted, smoldering ruins, conaoled in your miafortune by th_e aure knowlg4ge that you are adJquateiy insured, with every condition on the-policy fulfilled, so that there will be no {uestion oi the amourit you will recover)
The time to think about this queetion is not after, but before the fire.
837 Van Nuye Bldg.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturcrr of California Whitc and Suglr Plne Lumber
Milb at Surenvillc and Hilt, CaL l5O,(X)O,OOO Fect Annud Cepacity
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Sale Dcpt.
Firrt National Bank Bldg. - San Franc,irco
In using our brand,s you are sure of a dependable"supply at all times.