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In the Fillmore "Herald"
"'When C. F. Reeder, of the People's Lumber Company, told me of his experiences in joining the Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo, I reciprocated by tilling him of my experiences in Salt Lake City several yearJ ago. On that occasion, in the Mormon metropolis, a fake arrest was st-aged and everybody, including the candidates and the officers in their robes, were taken across the street to the central police. station.
_ "Among the officers were two completely garbed as devils, and bearing pronged tridents. As *e were-'booked,' two colored ladies were brought in by officers. One of them looked at the two devils, said, 'My Gawd,' and dropped in a dead faint.
"As ihdicative of the pure life I have since led I may say that I never met either of those devils again until lajt Tuesday, u'hen I walked into Reeder's office and was warmly greeted by E. S. Houghton, of Chas. R. McCormick & Company, Los Angeles. He was one of the gentlemen who bore a three-pronged pitchfork in the night of long ago.
"He is still a 'devil' of a good fellow, and treasurer of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club. We sat there ,and reminisced until he had created in my breast a strong desire to journey down to Santa Monica and seek spiiitual consolation from Parson Simpkin. It was good to recall those good old times, and those good old fellows."
San Diego Hoo Hoo Luncheon
San Diego Hoo Hoo Club members, at their Wednesday noon lunc[eon, October 29th, viewed motion pictures of ttre recent Naval Reserve Sea Elephant Hunt at Guadelupe fsland, off the coast of Mexico.
Three reels of film were used in graphically depicting the voyage and capture of the valuable sea denizens and a very interesting lecture was given between reels by Louis Arland, national president of the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce.
The sea elephants were captLtred by enticing them into large box cages and then towing these to the U. S. Eagle 12 and the Tug Koka, anchored near by. Four specimens were captured, but two died on the return trip of the boat. The other two were successfully brought to San Diego and are now in captivity at the San Diego Zoo, where they can be seen at any time during the day.
On account of the luncheon on this date following so close after the big Concat held only a few days previous, the attendance at the luncheon was not as large in numbers as was expected. However, much credit is due to Snark Joe Restine, for being instrumental in putting on these very unusual and inter.esting pictures, so thoroughly en- joyed by those fortunate enough to turn out to see Lhem.
Fresno Hoo Hoo Club Have Rousing Meeting
Sixty-seven members of the newly formed Fresno Hoo Hoo Club met on Monday evening, November 3rd, at Fresno.
The president of the Club, Martin D. Hohnson, presided. After considerable discussion it was decided to levy a membership fee of one dollar, to raise money to defray the expenses of the Club.
They will meet regularly on the evening of the first Monday in each month, and have issued a cordial invitation to all Hoo Hoo, to attend their meetings.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club
The new Nine acted as chairmen at the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club luncheon on November 6th.
The entire luncheon period was spent in discussing the Concatenation scheduled for the 8th,- with the excepti6n of a few moments taken out to pass around a small sample of mysterious looking lvood, with a request that each man present write his guess as to the identity. Bob Sells, of the Union Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was one of the very few who recognized the sample as a piece of Redwood, and was the only man to write the correct answer, "Sap Redwood." The stunt rvas originated by J. E. Lloyd-Jones, of the Woodhead Lumber Company, and he was fittlngly rewarded later by being the lucky man in the attendance prize drawing, for the prize donated by Tad Jacobs, of the Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association.
The Homer T. Ha1'ward Lumber Co. have bought the Hammond Lumber Company Yard at Hollister. - Glenn Bronson, formerly associaied-with the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co. of Salinas, will act as the manager of their new yard.
C. H. (Chuck) Griffin, the rvell-known manager of the Homer T. Hayrvard Lumber Co. Yard at Santi Cruz, is back at his desk after being confined to his home for over a week with illness.
E. Bailey, manager of the B. Bailey Lumber Company, of Los Gatos, rvho was recently confined to his home with illness, has completely convalesced and is now back on the job again.