1 minute read
A Home Selling Campaign That Surely Brings Results
There is a home selling plan in operation in several cities of the country today thit has a touch of genius in it. H'ere is the scheme; and it should be handled] promoted, and carried through by the LUMBER AABRCHRNT, since he is the logical fellow to do it:
Pick out an attractive home PLAN and PICTURE from one of your plan books. Have a cut made of the home and. of th-e floor_ plan. Buy a full page ad in the Sundav edition of your home paper. Take-the plans, blue printi, specifications, material bill, etc., around torvn to one skill- ful man or firm in each department of the home builcling business.
Let each of them figure from this plan exactly what they would charge foaTHEIR share'of srrch a- CONI- PLETE HOME. -
The LUMBER MERCHANT figures rvhat he rvoulcl sell the lumber and millwork fon
Add that to what each of the others want, and you rvill have the completed price of this HOME.
Divide the page you have purchased. The iutrberman should buy the lion's share of it, say one-half, or one-thircl. so that the oth,ers will get off moie easily. '
At the top of the page show the pictirre of the home and the floor plan,_ with a brief but attractive description of its beauties and better features.
Then divide the remainder of the page amon.q the other building people rvho have figured THEIR sh-are of the completed house.
Have the electric wiring and fixture man run HtrS PRICE BID in his advertGement. The plumber bids on the plumbing, also on the heating, if he is in the heating