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Manufacturen of Douglar Fir and Port Orford Cedar.
Sawmillr, Marshfield, Oregon business also. If he is not, have a heating man make a bid and take his share of the advertising space. Prorate the space, of course.
Distributing Plant - Bay Point.
Annual Production 200,000,000 Feet GENERAL oFFIcEs "rTl ?::':H-," Los Angeles Office, 806 Centnit Btdg.
A first class carpenter should bid on the carpenter work. A brick man should bid on the foundations, fir.eplace, and any other brick necessary. A painter should advertise his bid on the paint job. A hardrvare store should bid on the builder's hardware. A plastering job should be bid on, if there is one. If there is not, then a papering job should have a bid.
If this proposition is correctlv handlecl, the people of the town could simply sit dorvn. add the different bids in the various ads, and the total rvould be the cost of the house" This gives them something interesting to consider.
You can add to this list a good real estate hrm, offering lots for sale at certain prices, to put the house on.
This is a proposition rvell worth trying in any town where there is co-operation in business befween the various building lines.
Water is a wonderful blessing, Good for washing necks and ears, Just the thing for lakes and rivers, Indispensable for concrete,piers, Nice to park beneath the bridges, Sr,vell for making rain and ink, Water is a rvonderful blessing, But it makes a h-- of a drink.
Inspect New Pioneer Piant
During the month of October, hundreds of visitors inspected the $2,000,000 plant of the Pioneer Paper Co', Inc', located at Fifty-fifth and Alameda streets in Los Angeles' Included among the visitors were some of the leading industrial and business men of the Southern California territory, representatives of organizations interested in this locality's development, and the general public.
The formal opening of the $2,000,000 plant as a complete unit'for the first time was celebrated on October 30 by the Pioneer Paper Company, with outstanding figures in the manufacturing and commercial world in attendance' Representatives of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association, the Los Angeles Builders' Exchange and other interested organizations were also present at the formal opening.
The sixteen-acre plant consists of an asphalt refinery, a felt mill, a roofing factory, and a $100,000 administration buitding. The fett mill, which contains the- largest single oiece oT machinery in the west, has a daily capacity of i,g0O,OOO square fe6t of compressed felt, the base of virtually all of the Pioneer products.
The Pioneer Paper Company, in addition to manufacturing roofing and building pipers, produces asphalt-saturated pJpers w6ich line irrigalion ditches and flumes, insulate iefrigerator cars, underline floors, protect walls, cover hay stackl, cover pipes, bleach crops, line canoes, w.-lqp crates of books, machinery and othei products susceptible to deterioration by the elements. Products of the compa-ny are also used foi hundreds of other purPoses, and are distributed throughout the eleven western states and to nine foreign countries.
'Wauna, Nov. S.-Take a look'at 'Wauna. It- is only a mill town on the lower Columbia highway where practicallv evervbodv works for the Crossett-Western Co', and iet it has eitablished a record, which may never be beatin or even equaled.
On election day the entire registered vote of Wauna appeared at the p6lls. There were no.slacle1s, no maligneii, t o absente-es; just lo0 per cent of the registered 'not.. And not conlent with -this, those who had voted made an attempt to round up all those citizens who had failed to registir, and to swear them in. The result was that 98 per-cent of the eligible voters of Wauna precinct voted that day-16 individuals.
Wauna is iri Clatsop county, Oregon, and she surely has reason to be proud of ihis eximple she has set to the world of good citizenship.
The Los Angeles offices of the Slade Lumber Compa4y are now in Suiti 828 Van Nuys Bldg. They were formerly on the third floor of the same building.
Mr. F. A. Hart, of the Hart-Wood Lumber Company, has just returned from a trip through the canal to New Yorli. He found conditions promising in the East and expects a good volume of business after the election. - Mr. Alfred Hart, formerly Mahager of the Quinault Nfill, has been in charge of our Portland Office during Mr. Hari's absence and in the future will be associated with Mr. Fred Hart in the Portland Office.
It has been reported that the King Lumber Company, Bakersfield, is abbut to open nerv yards at Corcoran and Delano.