1 minute read
Painting Eliminated-Heatin$ Bills Reduced
them over old siding can readily be done in winter when you and your contractors are, ordinarily, not so busy.
The cost of stained shingles, together with the labor cost for laying them over old siding, is little more than the cost of repainting a house. Stained shingles over old siding eliminate constant repainting costs, and a distinct saving in heat bills will be effected. Shades of gray are particularly good because they rveather gracefutly and improve with age.
Talk this over with vour contractors and help them see the tremendous possibiiities in this nerv field of old houses. They rvill appreiiate your helping them keep busy 1l! th.e year'round, l.td you, [oo, rvill pro--fit by the increased business and avoidance of slack seasons' co.
Actual photograph, shotuing application of .2|inch -stained- shingles at lUinch esp6sure'oaer old cfuipboards. At .tlte risht.side .o.f .the windozu you tititl note the strip of ordinary.moulding,-l'/a-inch thick by l/t-inch- zrtide, uscd to build out the casi.ng- in order to receiae thzi shingles. Thii is easy to apply around windoztt-s a1d-Qoo1s, and-it is all ihat is necessary when rimodeling zvith stained shing.Ies, .with the erception of actua[ly nailing them oi. They can be laiil right ozter corner-board s and zwter-table.
In manv to\\'l.rs, the idea of laf ing stained shingles over old siding has been developed to such an extent by lumber dealers that their sales for rnodernizing old houses n'ith stained shingles no'tv e;iceed their sales for neu' building in their to\\'ns.
Renerving old roofs rvith stained shingles and laving
Double-baneleil Ailaant ages
Mahogany-like grain, but white. Simplifies the Painter's taslc.
The price would it weren't for the seem too good to oe'. true-if " T rcd emarlT Cuarantee."
Trademarhed Lamao
There's money in it for you. Let's put heads together. Wite us lodaY.