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C adw allader - Gibs on Co., Inc.
The ONLY Intportas vith our ovn Timba Supply anil Mills in Luzon, ail vith PACIFIC COAST HEADQUART'ERS ct
Sth and Brannan Sts. San Francieco
Oohland - Los Angeles
The Tynan Lumber Co.. rvho oP9r1t9 several retail lumber yards in Northern California ivith head^quarters i" *.t: Fraricisco, have opened a nerv yard at- San Jose' -.Bill Hargis, formerly -att.get of -the company's yard at S:ljl*.' will"aci ar -attiger of their San Jose yard. Les-ter (Mike-) Tynan "nnoun..! that Tim Ryan is sticceeding Mr. Hargis aj *"nag.t of their yard at Salinas.
The Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., rvith headquarters in Oakland, have taken over the management of the follorving retail lumber yards: Sunset Lumber Co., Fre-sno; Sunset Lumber Co., Fig Gardens; and the Lucerne l.umber Co', Hanford. These yards rvere formerly under the management of the Sunset Lumber Co.