1 minute read
J. CO.
Twohy Lumber Co.
But, unlike Southern Pine in the instance I mentioned, there is no trick td tell Red and yellow Fir apart, They don't look alike. The color, the grain, the knots, are entirely different.
And I will say that of the many I talked to, the majority believe that they ARE all one species, at difierent age and stage of development.
The men.who make Old Growth Yellow Fir always dwell on its "softness" and light color in their aclvertising oI same. They assume an air of superiority over Red Fir makers. Yet the Red Fir men admit nothing of the kind, so far as quality is concerned, and maintain that theirs is the strongest, toughest wood.
There is only one opinion I would hazard. on the subject; that for finish, trim, etc., the Yellow Fir is much the best to look at.
Tlre Yellow Fir men get a bigger percentage of uppers than the Red'Fir mills, but a smaller average of good board and dimension lumber.
Both kinds have their defects close to the heart, and in pricing big tirpbers they usually charge a great deal more rvhen they are specified "free from heart centers.,,
Practically all Fir manufacturers saw their logs parallel with the bark, rather than parallel with the heart, thus cutting their clear outside lumber in straight, long strips, and taking the V loss that has to come somewhere in any tapering log-and all logs must taper-at the heart where the cheap lumber is, rather than on the outside wher6 the high grades are.
Differential Freight Rates In Favor Of Wood Packages
New York, Nov. S.-The North Atlantic United King- dom Freight Conference and the North Atlantic Continen- tal Freight Conference announced that they propose to charge more for shipments'in fibre board or veneer wood packages after Januarv 1 than they now charge, according to the Iournal of Commerce.
Portlrnd, Oregon
Fir Laminated Finishing Lumber
Avoid loss on account of warping, checking,. and s-plitting of your Fir finish lumber by placing your order with us for
Either in atraight carloade or in mixed cars with Doors and panele
Manufactircn of Vcrtical
Fir Doorr
HARBOR PLNilOOD CO. Hoquien, lllarh.
Manufacturcrr of tGrryr
Harbo/' Ycllow Fir Laminatsd Panclr