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9lheir Lt Protection too[ a
In providing adequate insurance to protect yourself from fire loss, give due consideration also to protection for the men who have helped you build up your business, whose means of livelihood would be wiped away if fire should destroy your plant. You owe it to them as well as to yourself to remove every possible hazard' and make tl*zt plant just as safe against fire as you can possibly make it'
Lumber Pl"yt ImPortant Part in Lake Pleasant Dam, Arizona
Although the finiched dam will be masonry, and will not rhow the infuence of lumber, neverthelesr wood is playing an important part in the constructioq, says Carl Pleasant, the en' gineer of Marinette, Ariz. All lumber where necessary in the [.ake Pleasant Dam and buildings b SOMOZIDED or Fire Reeistive.
SOMOZTDED lumber, shingles and paints are fart receiving recognition.
The Associated Lumber Mutuals not only provide ample protection for you, but through efficient fire prevention service they will help you make the plant and the job secure for the men you employ. Through the dividends returned to the policy-holders, this service is yours at a very substantial saving in insurance costs.
For further information about the insurance ltrotection and the fire preaention seraice iroaided by our 2olicies, twite any of our corn' l>anies for a co\! of our special foliler "For Thcir Protection, Too !"