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(The Clearing Houce)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buv The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
Ratc: E2.50 per colurnn inch
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Pacific Coast manufacturing and wholesale firm desires services of sales representative, experienced in Southern California rail market. State experience, age, and remuneration. Replies confidential. Address Box A-294, care California Lumber Merchant. 11-15-1
Positions Open In Los Angeles
The Los Angeles offices of The California Lumber Merchant have been asked to assist in locating several men. If you measure up to the qualifications on any of the jobs listed, please write fully to 318 Central Building, Los Angeles, giving full statement.r The information will be treated confidentially and will be passed along to the prospective employers.
1. City Retail Salesman, Los Angeles. MUST know Los Angeles territory, have general knowledg6 buitding ordinances, etc., have a record of production in former position and be clean cut.
2. Wholesale Salesman, Los Angeles. MUST be experienced in Souther4 California, know trade, know the rail market, know Fir and be able to produce. -
3., Retail Manager. Small yard, near Lbs Angeles. Good opening for young man with general retail yard experience. MUST know lumber, have some knowledge sash and doors, hardware, cement, wall board, etc. Line yard concern.
4. Second man, retail yard, near Los Angeles. Good start for an energetic young man. Chance to learn the game and work up with good line yard company.
5. Young lady, SASH AND DOOR EXPERIENCE. Los Angeles manufacturing concern seeks a competent office woman. MUST have had experience in g_eneral sash and door work. This position pays good salary.
"We offer partnership to hustling lumberman who can help build up business against average competi- tion. Present partner wants to withdraw account other interests" Will require up to $SOOO. yard located in 17,000 city, 70 miles from San Francisco, five otl,rer yards. Plenty of trade territory. Ifave machir1ery." Box A-201, care Calif. Lumber Merchant.
1 1-1-tf
Very large and profitable Address "Seattle," care The
SALE retail lumber yard in Seattle. California luirber Merchant. Lt-t5-2.
To Buy Lumber Yard or Half Interest in Good Yard. Address Box A-202. care California Lumbcr Merchant. 11-15-1
Retail lumber yard Address Box A-205.
WANTED in exchange for ranch worth $20,000. care California Lumber Merchant. rI-t5-2.
FoR sALE-c"",,"il:Xt:,T."" in fine up-to-date yard in rapidly grorving city. Less than $50,000 required or present owners might retain part with right party. Box A-2O3, care Calif. Lumber Merchant. I 1-1 5-1
Yard Wanted
WANTED: Retail Lumber Yard in worth $20,000.00. Box 1001, care Cal.
exchange for ranch Lbr. Merchant. I 1-15-3
White Pine Box Factory For Sale
We have a first class efficient box factory of 60,000 daily capacity, located in Northern California, which we offer for sale. Good supply of raw material in immediate vicinity. Will give full particulars upon request. Address Box A-I27, care California Lumber Merchant. 2-l+tf.
For Sale
FOR SALE-Very large and profitable retail lumber yard in Seattle. Address replies, "Seattle", care of The California Lumber Merchant. ll-15-2
"Want to buy a retail lumber yard, or an interest in one, up to $?5,000, by g successful experienced lumber and mill man 3l years old." Box 4-200, care Calif. Lumber Merchant.