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PHILADEI.PHIA NDWYORK BALTIMORX PORTSMOUTH 2401 first Nat. Baak Blds, t6OO Arch Sreet Zaf lfuA"o" eve. arZ-flri"gr"" Blag. - nl"a"iJ*a ' Tbe Velcrbacascr SzlesCompaay istbecombincd sclling otganizatioa of tbc follouing Welcrbaeuscr lt!,ilk and Distribttiag plants : Cloquet Lmber Co. Cloquet,Minn. Bonners Ferry Luober Co. . Boaoers Ferry, Idaho pottatch Lmber Co. , . potlatcb, I.r.he
The Nonhern Lbr. Co. Cloquet, Minn. Saoquatmie ialls Lumber Co., snoqualmie Falls, wash. Boise Payette Lmber Co,, Boise, Idaho
J-ohoso*lTentworth co., cloquet,Minn. numbird Lumber Co. Sandpoint, Idoho lveyerbaeuser T-b", co., b"erem,lresh. rTood Cooversion Co. Cloquet, Minn. Edward Rutledge Timber Co. Coeur d'llene, Idaho Weyerbaeuser Tmbr. Co., Baltimore, Md 'weverhaeuser Timber Company, Minnesota Trangfer, St. Paul, Mino. Veyerbaeuser Timber Co., portsnouth, R. I.