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Increase Your Business without The Expense of Additional Stocks
Frequently you are called upon to fill ttruEhtt orders for materials that you cannot afford to keep in stock. They would occupy too much valuable space. But your customer need never be disappointed. You can ALWAYS have complete reserve stocks in Hammondts seventy-six acres of materials, which include lumber, sash and doors, paint, roofing, hardware, cement, sand and gravel, etc.
This means money made on increased sales and money saved on decreased stocks.
Pacilic Logging Con$ress, Vancouver' B. C.rwas Great Success-Next Year's Congress at San Francisco
The 17th Pacific Logging Congress held at Vancouver, B. C., October 27 to 30, was bigger and better than ever, and was the first congress to be lruly international in character. There was a iegistration of more than 700, and all sessions were well attended.
Logging subjects were discussed with great enthusiasm, and many instructive papers were read.
Among Californians-taking part in the discussions were R. C. Riihardson, Pacific l.umber Co., Scotia; M. E. Kreuger, IJniversity of California; S. R. Black, California-ForEst Protection-Association; C. L. Mullen, Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Pinedale; R. A. Colgan, Diamond l\fatch Co', Chico, and W. B. Tilly, Albion Lumber Co., Albion.- -
Great praise is due to Secretary A. Whisnant for his work in making the machinery show such an outstanding success.
Otis R. Johnson,,IJnion I.umber Co., San Francisco, and C. L. Muilen, Sugar Pine Lumber Co', Pinedale, were elected to represent California on the executive committee of the Congiess. Minot Davis, Clemons Logging--Co., Montes-ano,-Wash., was re-elected President and Archibald Whisnant was re-elected Secretary.
Fifty Kittens were initiated at the Concatenation held at Vancouver, B. C., during the Pacific Logging Congress. More than 300 Hoo Hoo members attended the banquet which preceded the concatenation. "Sar{dy" McDonald, new British Columbia member of the supreme nine, was toastmaster. Col. Lightbody of Victoria was Snark, and Parson Simpkin acted as Senior Hoo Hoo.