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Itts To Get Repeat Orders
Bay District Hoo Hoo Activities
_ At the regular monthly meeting of San Francisco Hoo_ Hoo Club No. 9 on _October 28, John Newbauer, Managing director of the San Francisco Bdys' Club gave "r, "*".iierri address on the activities and rvork of thi Boys, Clubs in San Francisco. Harry Carter, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., was the chairman of the day.
__Fred Roth, state counsellor, made a report on the Hoo- Hoo meeting at Sacramento on Octobei 22. C. Stowell Smith .explained Proposition 22 regarding the exemption of small forest trees from taxation -and u-rged all lumbermen to vote yes on the Proposition at the November elec_ tron.
.Qying to both regular meeting days during the month of November {alling on holidays-, there will le only one meeting during the month which r,vill be November 1g. Oscar Johnson, Albion Lumber Co., will be chairman of the day.
The East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No.39 met at the Oakland Hotel on October 15. Lochiel M. King, construction engineer on the Estuary Tube was the jpeaker of the day mentioning many of the engineering problems involved iir tts construction. His excellent address was accompanied by slides. A. E. Shallish acted as Chairman of the bav.
-'Jt g.ives r4e pleasure old boy to remit check for the C. L. M. It conlinues to be asiver the best of its kind
-No kiddin', a darr{ good lumber journal.
A. J. Maal$tadt, (The Swede) Galt, Calif.