1 minute read
Romance Turns Back Sierra's Historic Page
Who that loves a tale oI adventure does not stir at the epic of the'49ers? Who that gains his livelihood lrom the trees is not enthralled by the glory oI the whispering lorest?
For him, this scene is drama. It has caught the vital romance of gold rush days amid an inspiring setting oI timbered grandeur. No studied stage setting this, but a chance glimpse telling us the magnetic spirit of the old Vest lives, virile, today. Yet what has this to do with modern sawmills;
IS THE what connection with roarir.g planers or lumber shipments? Only that upon these very landg traversed by this picturesque pack train, gold was first discovered in'49. And these same landg in thousands oI acres, supply the prime Sierra Mountain grown Calilornia White and Sugar Pine Ior our mills at Standard and Tuolumne' Calil.
Ours is Gold Medal Quality lumber lrom the land of gold, with value that assays high in every piece-and ghosts oI thrilling adventure in every car. May we quote?