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PrcrsRING Lunansn ConaPANY
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Hear Conservationist
The November 4ifr meeting of the Los ingltes'Hoo Hoo Club was a representative gathering, with Prisident Bobbie By:le in the chair, and merrily soaking fines right and left. The Club voted on a new policy of-financing its affairs, deciding to create Club memberships, at $5.00 per year, instead of taking voluntary cdntributione as hai bein done heretofore.
It is expected that the Membership Committee will soon return one hundred and fifty signed membership applica- tions.
Paul Hallingby, Sales Manager for the Hammond Lumb_er C_ompany, Los Angeles, and newly elected President of the California Retail Lumbertnen's Association, was announced as chairman of the next meeting, on November 18th.
A member of the Los Angeles Conservation Society spoke for a short time on the problem confronting the disiriit, in the matter of water supply. He told of ihe vast area of water shed that have been ,burned in the last few vears and urged the lumbernten to lend their support in the efforts of- the Society in obtaining some tegiilation for reforestation.
_Joltn Olson, Los Angeles; E. H. Meyer, portland; R. W. !ondon-, Seattlj; J. W:-Thompson; St. Helens and F. J. Garland, San Diego, officials in the Chas. R. McCormiJk Lumber Co., were San Francisco visitors around the first of the month. While in the Bay District, they conferred with Chas. R. McCormick, president of the Clias. R. McCormick Lumber Co.
Rents Advanced But Five Percent
The average house rent throughout the United States is but five per cent higher than the average in 1914, just before the World 'War started, and has reached a stabilized level for the first time since the pre-war perfod.
- Figures to prove these contentions have just been produced by Gilbert H. Beesemyer, of Los Angeles, bised on a recent nationwide survey of the housing situation throughout the country.
In support of his claim that a stabilized level finally has b_een-feached, Beesemyer said figures in the suri'ey showed there had not been any important rent fluctuationi recently in major cities throughout the country.
In citing the figures revealing that average house rents are now but five per cent higher than in 1914, Beesemyer pointed out the remarkable change that has come about in the country since July, 1924, whem house rents were 86 per cent above the pre-war period.
According to Beesemyer's figures, house rents were stable in 79 cities during the l2-months period ending on August 31, decreases were reported in 79 others and 13 announced increases. Rents have decreased in t12 major cities since I_uly,'1925, these cities being tsufialo, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco and St. Louis. In Philadelphia and Bafuimore; no decreases were noted, Rents lower than during tbe pre-war period were reported in Wichita, Kansas-, which showel a 'decrease of 10 per cent from the 1914 figures; in Davenport, Iowa, which had a decrease of between 11 and fr pei cent from the prewar period; in Miles City, Mont., whire a decrease of betweenlll and 2O per cent was noted.
Included in the list of cities showing startling high rent1!s were Paterson, New Jersey; 131-14b per cen-t ab"ove the 1914 level; Johnstown, Pa, l7I-180 per cent higher than in 1914;_Louisville, Ky., 131-140 per cent highel; Camden, New Jersey ; l3L-l4O per cent higher; Kenoiha, Wis., 171180 per cent higher; and Ann Arbor, Mich., 131-140 per cent higher.
The Sudden Lumber Co. of San Francisco have recently bought six new trucks which will be used for delivering lumber to their trade. The fleet is made up of 3 three and a half ton,2 two and ahall ton and I Federal-Knight speed wagon. The trucks have all been painted in blue with gold trimmings, and carry signs bearing the company,s name in blue letters with a gold backgrbund, presinting very attractive trucks.
Joe Rolando, vice president and general manager of the concern, announces that the company hereafter will be called the Sudden Lumber Company.