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Suggestions For Making Business Better
The Prairie Lumberman, published at Winnipeg, Canada, bV th" Wegtern Retail lrmbennen's Assdciation of Canada, publishes the following twelve suggertions to lumber doalers for making btrsinesE better by direct creative action, to be practiced daily: l. Locate one new prorspect for a house or barn or other major requircment and lay plans to develop the sale.
2. Have at least one mutually helpful conference with building contractors or mechanics.
3. Make at least one persotral call on a pnoE pect, suggesting the use and need for your materials, and attempting to close the sale.
4. Write at least one personal letter for the rarne objective.
5. lVtake an extra effort to sell the oldest stock in the yard.
Homer T. Hayward, President of the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas, has returned to California after spending the past six months traveling throughout the east.
6. Locate at least one new ure f,or your materials and take stepo to develop buginess in that item.
7. PIan a displEy or an improvement for a di"play that will visualize for the public a use for yourmaterials" lO. Perform some community service which will make you and yorrr company better lrnown and liked.
8. Create or start in motio,lr an advertising sales scheme which will bring new prospects into your yard.
9. Overcome the temptation to cut a price to get business.
11. Say or do something favorable to or about your competitor.
12. Follow through and bring to a succegs- ful conclusion unfinished business from yester- &y.
His trip carried him as far east as New York and Boston. Mr. Hayward operates retail yards at Pacific Grove, Watsonville, Santa Cruz, Ilollister, Paso Robles, Atascadero and Salinas. Salinas is the home office of the company.