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They're 8tf"s uo1il ilo tr tl
LI,.|I,ISER.CIEALCR t(oia tta.ttl ltlt a aiaiata a?rtd
SDta Pa lilrbcr Co.
Lo! Angelcr, Callf. Gcntl@o a
Long Brachrcallfornla SepteEb€r 7,1926
I h.rc Ju|t Foalrqd I o.! ol vor FOUR C oLD oROWlt rEttotr Frn rlltslt-. rt ra! v.r? tlnc lub.r bctna rcll umfla- tur€d lnd drlrd rultrblc [o thtr cUute.
It ls a ploarure to annflnca thst w artoreld arc moro than pla.lad rfth thti stock espectelly the lrlZ rhlch aloe, not oup aDtl warp.
- I hdve had no obJcotlon to tit, stock D€ln8 un!.nded.
Kiln.Dried Fir wins the good will of dealers' customers. There's "Satisfac. tion in every foot" of our Old Gro*'th Yellow Frr lumber because it is thor. oughly kiln.dried and dressed after seasoning to Ameri. can Standard siles. All degrades are taken out at the mill.
Ydrs very t&ly, c.E. c/anrsol{ cEo/tD
Long Beach writec mentioning -de|endability
-,quality aSetAlC€, Watch these ads and read what others sayabout this dependable lumben
Qurablc r n. uouplas t.tr Q....r;r....:$,1'3. -,