2 minute read
"Wilderness Areas" in California Forests Reserved for Recreation
Pursuant to the new policy of the United States Forest Service to conserve and develop national forest lands of outstanding recreational value for the use and enjoyment of the general public, Secretary of Agriculture W. M. Jardine has designated three large tracts of Federal land in California to be known as the Mt. Shasta, San Gorgonio Range, and Laguna Mountains Recreation Areas.
The Mt. Shasta Recreation Area covers D,62A acres in the Shasta National Forest and includes Mt. Shasta (14,380 feet), "the Queen of the Siskiyous" and the most beautiful snow-capped peak in the state. The San Gorgonio Range Recreation Area,embraces 11,800 acres of land within the San Bernardino National Forest, and takes in all the high country above 7500 feet elevation surrounding San Bernardino Mountain (10630 feet), East San Bernardino Peak (1Q666 feet), and San Gorgonio Peak (11,485 feet), the highest mountain in Southern California. The Laguna Mountains Recreation Area is located in the Cleveland National Forest, 50 miles east of San Diego, and includes 11,495 acres of pineclad mountain land overlooking the Colorado Desert. All of these regions, forest offi.cers state, are exceedingly popular summer playgrounds visited by many thousands of vacationists each year.
In designating these recreation areas, Secretary Jardine states that "all National Forest lands therein shall be held for the use and enjoyment of the geheral public for recreation purposes, co-ordinately with the purposes for which the National Forests were established. A proper and orderly utilization of tip!r9r, forage, water power and other economic resources shall be allowed within the area, but such utilization shall not be permitted to impair the value of the area as a site for public camp grounds, municipal or health camps, sanitaria, club houses, hotels, summer homes, or public utilities requisite for the comfort and convenience of the people using the area for recreation purposes."
Seek Leases
San Diego, Nov. S.-Expenditure of 975,000 on buildings and equipment will be made by the San Diego Planing mill on tidelands at the foot of Seventh street [hat it proposes to lelse from the city, according to a communicalion 4ed with the city council by the city harbor commission. The commission recommended that the lease be granted for a period of 20 years, with a rental of oner and Jne-half cents a square foot for the first- five years, the rest to be adjusted every five years thereafter.
The commission also recommended that the San Diego Lumber Co. be granted a lease on tidelands adjoining its present site at the foot of Sixth street for 15 years on the same terms.
- Aqplicatioqs lrr tidelands lease made by the City Lumber Co. and the Dixie Lumber Co. some time ago have been withdrawn, the commission notified the council
Establishing what Mr. L. A. Richey claims to be a record for the port,- the Ctras. R. McCormick Lumber Company were_ en-gaged in unloading seven vessels, at their Wilming- ton docks, on the 2oth of this month.

The combined capacity of the beven cart'iers was B,ZZS,W feet.
Mr. Richey, dock superintendent for Chas. R. McCormick, claims this to be a day's record, for any one firm.