1 minute read
for Planing Mills, Woodworking Factories and Industrial Plants
great Shevlin-Hixon organrzation, which op.r"t.. three other big milling institutions, and manufactures a total of 600,000,000 feet of lumber annually. 'fheir other plants are The Shevlin-Flixon Company, Bend, Oregon, cutting Pondosa Pine; The Shevlin-Clarke Company, Fort Francis, Ontario, cutting Northern White and Norway Pine; The Crookston Lumber Company, Bemidji, Minnesota, manufacturing Northern White and Norway Pine.
(Continued on Page 34)
Wes-Co Incinerators have been approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau as the safest and most economical method of disposing of shavings and mill refuse.
The usual saving in fire insurance and hauling shavings readily offset the cost of a Wes{o Incinerator.
1739 Ead l4th Street
Odrhnd, Catif.