2 minute read
The western omce of The IVIcCloud River Lumber Company is located in the Monadnock Building, San Francisco. W. G. Kahman is General Sales Manager at San Francisco. R. G. Chisolm, Minneapolis, Minn., is Vice President in charge of Eastern Sales. They list sixteen'sales officgs and sales agencies on their list. They are represented in Southern California by Fletcher & Frambes, Inc. , u, Mr. E. L. Carpenter, of Minneapolis, is President of the McCloud River Lumber Co.
The McCloud plant in I9?5 actually produced abc;ut ll./o, of all the Pine manufactured in the State of California. Part
Watsonville Lumber Co. Exhibit Attractive Floats
One of the features of the recent Labor Day parade at Watsonville were the four floats that w'ere entered bv the Watsonville Lumber Co., which displayed from "The Log to the Home."
The first float showed a large Redwood log which was cut in'the Santa Cruz mountains;. the second float showed thb building materials such as lumber, lath, shingles, shakes, 'etc.; the third float displayed the doors, windows, interior trim, cabinets, etc., while the fourth float showed an attractive replica of the completed home.

The accompanying photograph shows the large Redwood log, together with Herman Herwig, manager of the company, and the employees of the Watsonville Lumber Co. Mr. Herman Herwig, manager of this progressive lumber concern, has been associated with the lumber business all his life, and prior to his taking over the management of the Watsonville concern, was for many years with the LomaPrieta Lumber Co. who operated yards in the Southern
Territory with Redwood mill operations in the Santa Cruz mountains.
Mr. Herwig recently opened a second retail lumber yard at Pajaro, near Watsonville.
The Wes-co Blower and Pipe Co. have completed the installation of the "Wes-co" Shaving Incinerator at the Sulmock Furniture Co. and Atkinson Mill & Lumber Co., both qf Oakland. The Wes-co Blower and Pipe Co., designers of Blow Pipes, General Sheet Iron Work and Shav- ing Incinerators, maintain their manufacturing plant at Oaklbnd. C. L. Campbell is the general mana-ger of the "'Wes-co" operations.
C. C. Stibich, for the past several years connected with the California White and Sugar Pine wholesale business in San Francisco, left for Mexico on November 2, where he will be associated with the Durango Lumber Co., which is located at El Salto, Durango. Mr. Stibich was assistant to l'red Palmer for six years and prior to his departure for Mexico, he was with the Adams Lumber Co. ln his new position, he will be assistant to Fred Palmer, who is managing the Durango Lumber Co. mill operations at El Salto.
Ralph Laumeister Transferred To San Diego
-R_"lp! Laumeister, connected with the sales department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., in their Sin Francisco office has been transferred to their San Diego yard. F"tp-h will be a valuable acquisition to the San Diiloiumber- fraternity-he is a member of Hoo-Hoo, a finJ singer and entertainer and took part in many of the Bay Distr:ict Hoo-Hoo festivities. His many San Francisco frilnds wish him success in his new position.