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Displaying Lumber
Here are three lumber exhibits, installed at recent County Fairs, at Venturb and Downey. They are all deserving of honorable mention, both for artistry of design and for the undoubtdd good that the displays rnust have done for lumber.
The Sun Lumber Company booth was at the Ventura County Fair, and every rvooden thing in the exhibit is built of Redwood, even th,e furniture. Naturally it attracted much attention and they distributed thousands of circulars, etc., to prospective home builders in the county.
John P. Hemphill With Madera Sugar Pine Co.
John P. Hemphill has been appointed sales manager of the Madera Sugar Pine Lumber Co., succeeding the late Arthur W. Hepvenrich.
Mr. Hemphill has been connected with the.Pine industry for many years. About lXJ7, he entered the employ of the
Then the People's Lumber Company had a booth at the same fair, and they also concentrated on Redwood. The high light of this display was the cross section of a log, rnounted on Redwood legs, and the very artistic fence that surrounded the booth.
Down at the Downey Fair, Skidmore & Bowers took the Blue Ribbon with their display. They showed a big log section, with a beautiful woods scene, and fenced the booth with sl{bs.
The managers of these yards all say that they feel repaid for the effort and expense.
Madera Sugar Pine Co. and remained with this organization until he resigned a few years ago to take over the position of General Manager of the Sugar Pine Lumber Co. He is a graduate of Stanford University, and prior to his entering the lumber business, he was secretary to David Starr Jordan, a former president of the university.
Mr. Hemphill is a prominent figure in the Pine industry and has always taken an active part in matters pertaining to the lumber industry.
Sacramento Building Activities
For the month of October, the building permits for Sacramento totalled $615,413. The October permits brought the year's total to $7,024,M3.50.
Foster Brothers Take On New Shingle Agency
Foster Brothers, Inc. announce that they have been appointed the exclusive agents in Northern California for the "Milwaukee Cedar Shingle" and are now ready to supply the trade with this well known shingle product. The "Milwauicee" shingles are manufacturEd it Milwaukee, Oregon.
This concern are also handling Redwood shingles and are able to supply their customers with the well known "Big Tree" brand.
Fire destroyed the San Francisco lumber plant of Swift & Co., located at 65 Tenth Street, on Octobei 27. The loss was estimated at $100.000.
C. D. Terwilliger of Clover Valley Lumber Company, u. JJ. rerwlrrrger Lrovef valley Lompany, Loyalton, California, has placed order with Moore Dry Kiln Company, North Portland, for two new dry kilns of for Moore's Reversible Circulating Internal Fan type. These kilns will be used for drying California White and Sugar Pine. The new kilns will be ready for operation by the latter part of October.

"Any foo! can ask a question-
"And then, too, there are a lot of fool questions.
"But not all rvho ask questions are fools, nor are all questions fool questions.
"At a certain club meeting, held in Los Angeles, some time ago, all men whose birthday fell in that month were asked to stand. They rvere then asked these three questions:
"L. When rvere you born ?
"2, Where rvere you born ?
"3. And why?
"Think it over-and answer them seriously for yourself. After you have done that-answer yourself these three questions:
"1. When did you go into yortr present business?
"2. Where did you go into your present business ?
"3. And why?
"Having answered these to your satisfaction-answer this:
"Have you ever done anything to justify your presence on this earth or in your business?
"If so-WHAT?
"We don't attempt to help you or tell you how to justify your presence on this earth-that rn'ill be easy-for youbut we do know that u'e can help you in justifying your presence in your business, if you rvill take an active interest in the Exchange and you do your part in improving conditions existing in your particular b115ins5s."-Long Beach Builders' Exchange.