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Sash, Doors and Frarnes, standard or special,
with workmanship and material (California Pines)of the very highest quality are turned out by our system that combines quantity production with craftsman-built workmanship.
Doors include our laminated, water-proof,warp-proof construction with panels and veneered faces of California Pine. Hand"orn., attractive and dependable.
Builders like these goods. Dealers find them highly salable.
"l had a cook once," said Paul Bunyan, "who was one of the first men to think of quantity production. He made up a month's supply of pancakes at one tirne. They got so tough we used them to half-sole our boots and for hinges on the doors. He was sent down the tote-road, forI demand quality as well as quantity."
MIXED CARS FROM RED RII.ER of er unique adz.tantages. Wide range of stocks, rates and shibntent serzsice. Do you qet our "Weekly Stock Letter?"
"Producers of White Pine f or Over Half a Century" Trade
J. E MARTIN Monrrtng Edltr
Ctrculatim M,h.8!r
Advcrdrlnj Murjcr
w. H. w(x)Ds, Mrr. Su Frrncbco Ofio
M1r. Pctlud Of6cr