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hcqporeted udar thc lasr of Callfcala
J. C. Dime, Prcr end Tru; J. E. Martin" Vle-Pru; rL C. Mcrrynu' Jr., Scy. Publfuhcd tte lgt ed l5tb o'f dach notf at 3lt-19-20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANGELES, CAI-, TELEPHONE, VAndike .scs Entcrcd s Semd-clu hrttcr S.pt nb.r 6, D4 at ttrc Pctofde at la Angclce, C.trfcrh, urd.r Act of MrcL !, Um.
Subrcription Pricc, gZ00 pcr Ycrr Singlc Copicr,25 ccntr crch. LOS ANGELES. CAL., NOVEMBER 15, 1927 Advcrtiriag Retcr oa Applicrtior
How Lumber Looks
Douglas fir-Reports from the Northwest indicate that rome of the large milh are now preparing for the holiday shut down and t[at many 6f the millr will go down the eady part of December and remain down util the eerly part of Febnrary. Several millr are already down and in the Grays Harbor Dirtric the production for November will ghow conriderable decrease as three milla are cloced for repairr and will probably not resurne operationr for et leart a month. If the production is kept down it is certain to have conriderable efrect on the mark€t.
The Douglar fir log markct is finn and there ir no nrrplue of logr. Many of the logdrng canpr will have to rhut down during the winter monttr which indicatel that there will be a rhortage of logr duins the next few monthr.
The fir markct in Califonda rhowr very little chenge. There is a good volume of lumber moving with pricer remaining about t[e rame. Shinglq are not quite ar rtrong as two weekr ago. Lath remainr about the rame with no rrrpluc of gpod lath on hand.
Cargo ariivalr into Southerrr California during the month of October total 107,330 M ft., including 9O,23O Mft. af 6r and 17,1OO Mft. of redwood which ir a rlight increasc 6ver the September 1927 arrivab. The cargo arivab for October 1926 totaled 137,226 M. ft There are about 12'0OO'O(X) feet of unrold rtock on tte docks at San Pedro which containr a rlcry high percent of nndesirable iternr. There are 26 boetr tied up.
Fir cargo arrivalr into San Francirco for October amormted to 43,0O6 M. ft., and redwood 241782 M. ft., making a total of 67,788 M. ft.
The redwood market is firm and all grader are moving in good rhape with sorne itemt at the millrrcerce. The nilfc "re notlong on anything. For the week ending Noven' ber 5, the arsociation barometer rhowr, 16 mills reporting: Orderr received E,183 M ft., Shipmentr 81628 M ft., and Production 8'598 M. ft. For tte yar 1927 to Novernber 5, 16 millr reporting, show: Orderr received 383'416 M. fL Production 338,704 M. ft. and Shipments 375'334 M. ft.
The California White Pine narket rhqyr no change but with many milb down the mrrket will rmdoubtedly becorne firmer. Suger Pine remainr firm" Cdifomia White and Sugar Pine production for the year 1927 to Nwember 1 totds 11090'468 M. fL, which ir a decreare of 15.9 per cent under tbe 1926 prroduction. Shipnentr for the rame period have increased 4.3 per cent and orden increarcd 5.8 per ccnt.
The Lor Angelec building permitr for October 192? totaled $10,388,098 as compared with $9,5501229 for,Ocobcr 1926. Tbe San Francisco buitding pennitr for October 1927 were $2,5181374 and Oakland $1,444'6q). For the fird nine deyc in November, the building permitr in I4e Angslc. totaled $12,990'784 and by virtue oI thir epurt in luilalt activity ihe'permits for tAe prerent year arc now ahetd of t926.
The tVed Coart Lumbermen?s Aerociation barometer for tbe week ending Nwember 5, 119 millr reporting, rhowr: Production 122;448,767 M. ft., New Buriners l'26,64191048 M. ft, and Shipmentr- -lll'831,24q Il[. ft For the firlt 44 *e"k" io 1927;93 millr reporting rhow: Production lrl-??" 659,513 M. ft., New Burinec 4p76,393'412 ft. and Shipments 4'057'686'183 ft: '
For the week ending November 5' tbe Southetl Pine Ar' eociation barometer. fOg niUc reporting, rhowr: Production 641696r22O ft, New burinesr 5818841345 ft.' and Shipmerrtr 6214191461fL
At the Hoo-Hoo annual convention held at Miami, Flor- / 1.f,. Weyerhaeuser Timber Company started actual con- iatl-""X"u.-!"t 9, tO ana-11, James M.. 1.9*1,'Lo"q LrtructionOctober 25,ofthreelumbermanufacturingplants i*-""11*,Y.tijor:f,l*#i,il;.*"t.;::'.;"0 ir,"i, 677 acre
River waterrront site
Lon-gship on the Supreme Nine; Senior H-oo-Hoo, M. M. Riner, view-' wash' Pile drivers made a start on driving the 30'Riner Lumber co., Kansas city, Missouri; Junior Hoo- ooo piti"g required for mill foundations and export docks' rroo, 'w. w. Brock, w. w. Broci<'& Sons, Miami, Florida; - -A' L' R-aught'. Jr'' is the Longview manager' Harry E'
Cfrrfi"r n M".r"",'Brodhead Garrett 'Compatry, Cleveland, It is estimated that these plants, which it -has already Ofti"; t"rtocatian, James L. Barney, Barney & Carey Co., been announced will b" 4f largest single Weyerhaeus.er Dorchester, Mass.;-Arcanoper, Gaines O. Whitsitt,-Sales operation, will take from 18 months to two years to-build. lr."[, Armarillo, Texas; Grirdon, Rex G. Chesbro, Lumber ,{ ".rr"t-*ile railroad connecting the timber with ttre M-anuiacturers Agent, Toronto, Canada. mill site has already been completed.