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Low PriceFlooring High Price Qualities
Dealers eaeryafiere are featuring Vey erba eus er Pacif. c C oa.s t H em lo"ck
Flooring as a Leader
UMDRUM selling oI building material olten comes from having humdrum materials to sell
You will like todisplanadvertise and sell WeyerhaeuserPacifi c Coast Hemlock Flooring. There are so many good things to say about it.It looks like quality flooring. And it is every bit as good as it looks.
It is an improved type oI softwood flooring, made by oractly the same process as the mo6t opensive flooring you can buy.
It comes in the preferred narrowwidths with hollowback, both with and without end matching. Workmanship is perfect. The edges of each piece are sharp and square. Matching is precise. Surlaces aremilled to a high satiny finish C-orrect seasoning eliminates any tendency to warp. It wears evenly without grain raising or splintering.
PaciffcCoastFlemlockisanideal flooringwood.
II you ate a progressive lumber dealer interested in quick sales, fast turnover aad pleased customers there is a place in your stock for this fl.ooring It will aot rernain there long. Order a trial shipment in a mixed car.SeetheWeyerhaeuserman.
Weycrhacur PrclGc Coert Hcnlal Flooring ie t3lt6' thick bt 2X 'hcc. h cone both uitJr od utchirg enl uithat od mrchiag. Both typer ere millcd with thc hollow becL Tbc higbct sradc ol thie llooring ie known ar "B ud Bctter Edge GrEi[ " For les crcting uu or whe a rtil lowcr pdccd Oooring ia.wentcd it ir elco nadc in thc rmdo oI "C Mixcd Grai!'."
The flodng cou in DGrt rccm bundle, eech oac bcuilg an rttactivc labcl in colon which rhows thc ume, thc \Veycrhacu*r Brand, thc gndc otl ud the mdemrl"
Thir llooring is Druhcturcd by Wcyahaew TiubsCoopuy ud ir obrdaable to mired w ordq direct &on thc Weycrbaqs Milb et Everctq Wechirgton, ard Snoqulmic Falb, Werbingtoa, or Ircm any ol thc Iow Weyahrw Diltribu.i.g Plenu at Baltinote. Portrmoutb, R L. Mimta Truder. St. Paul, end NcwuL,N.J.
VeTcrbaeascr Pacific Coast Hemloch Flooring is azotbcr featare of tbe Weycrbaetsct Plts-a baying adtta.ntagc tbat bmefits eoery dealcr a$o rces ir.
"'4sk tbe Wqterbactscr ma*
285 Mrdiroo Ave.