2 minute read
Q MALLEST oF standard sizes, yet to make this tiny J ribbon of wood, great logs are skidded by giant donkey engines and hauled many miles over mountainous steel highways before the band saw slices the first slab.
A[ And from the masteryof mountain loggingtotheaccuratemouldingof theslender,'well' seasoned strip, each step is gauged to those high standards which have won for Pickering West Coast Products two successive Gold $edal Awards by the State of Califomia.
C[ Ready now for your requirements every standard item in CaliFornia White and Sugar Pine, including wide and thick finish, moulding, lap and bungalow siding, Factory shop and common lumber and the prettiest lath produced. Telephone our nearest representative or
Millwork Institute Ofcalifornia Annual Meeting To Be Held At Oakland On November 17 And 18
The 1927 Annual meeting of the Institute will occur at Oakland, Thursday and Friday, November 77 and 18. Headquarters will be at the Hotel Oakland.
The program arranged is such that it should bring together the largest number of millmen ever assembled for a Pacific Coast meeting. IIere are the highlights:
"The Human Side of Business'. .....Paul Fletcher Cadman
Associate Professor of Economics, lfniversity of California
"Your Opportunity". ..Prof. Max Horwinski Lecturer and Publicist
Professor of Economics, University of California
"The $5,000,000 Lumber Trade Extension Campaign," A. C. Iforner Manager, Western Division National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, San Francisco
"Educational Propaganda".
.,Clement Fraser
Loop Lumber & Mill Company, Oakland
"Does Organization Pay?".
...Will Goddard
Secretary M. L C., Alameda County Branch
Trade Statistics, composite statement of 44 members, 9 months, 1927
Distribution of Standard Price Pilot and Review.
Banquet Address: "The Mission of the Institute"....H. P. Dixon '
President, Millwork Institute of California
Clyde Speer, Sam Dalton and George Kaiser are the official greeters. "Sunset" Ricker, Bill Lannom and Vic Boell are arranging the Banquet for Thursday evening. It will be strictly informal-boiler-plate shirts and wing collars not allowed. Hal Atkinson, Ernie Blackman, Wave Tilden, Nat Edwards and Frank Parker are Entertainment Committee, while Bill Goddard, Joe Todd, and Bernie Barber rvili see to it that a room "nd b"tlt are reserved for you, and that the Hotel Oakland takes care of your wants rvith dispatch.
Many of the millmen plan to attend the California-Stanford football classic, Saturday, November 19.
E. I. "Ed". Garland who was formerly connected with Chas. R. McCormick & Co., is now representing the W. J. Conrad Lumber Co., of Marshfield, Oregon. He is specializing in Port Orford White Cedar.
Carl E. Price, formerly assistant sales manager of the Willapa Lumber Co., Portland, is now sales manager of the Clark & Wilson Lumber Co., which is now capitalized at $12,00O,000 as a result of the recent merger. Mr. Price will make his headquarters at the company's head office at Linnton, Ore.
Although the spark of "Road Courtesy" may lately seem to have been entirely extinguished, it begins to look as though all it needed was a little coaxing in the form of a reminder. The increasing number of cars and trucks displaying the little blue and white notice which reads:
..THIS DRIVER WILL MEET ALL OTHER GENTLEMEN HAI.F WAY ON ANY TRAFFIC SITUATION" is ample proof that the motoring public as a whole is at heart not only willing, but eager to follow a co-operative suggestion.
Inquiry reveals that the little gummed strips referred to above, can be had gratis by addressing the Advertising Department of Mack Trucks, Inc., 252 W. 64th St., New York City. An official of the company informs us that the "Gentlemen's Agreement" id.ea has met rvith an almost startling response from the motoring public. The company promises, however, to keep up lvith the demand by supplying them in any reasonable amount.