1 minute read
The Little River Redwood Co.
General Sales Office: Financial Center Building' San Francisco
Sales Offices:
New.York City Havana, Cuba
Mills at:
Crannell, Calif.
Fairhaven, Calif.
Cargo and rail shipments
(Continued from Page 12) the lumber dealers of Los Angeles to try to get together in a similar way, "Remember," said the speaker, "that your competitor is just about the same kindof fellorv that you are yourself. Profits can only be made by co-operation rvith your competitor. Only in a one-yard town can a lumberman play a lone hand. Play fair rvith the public on prices. Don't try to fight the small dealer. Worklvith him. Play the game on the principle of 'the greatest goocl to the greatest number,' and you rvill rvin." basis.He told of the varying costs of doing business in the great cities of the east, and said thatall delivery expense, salaries, taxes, insurance, depreciation on buildings and equipment, and losses on bad accounts should be included in the percentage. He believed that the average cost of doingbusiness in Los Angeles was from 15 per cent td,22 per cent.
After some discussion on the subject it rvas decided that the ethical relations committee be appointed by the Boarcl of Directors.
E. Steffenson, secretary, Orange County Lumbermen's Club, spoke on "Other Items Than Lumber."
An interesting paper on the "Cost of Doing Business" was presented by Sam T. Hayu'ard, Flayrvard Lumber & Investment Co. The speaker dealt r,vith the questions asked under this heading on the program, giving it as his opinion that expense should always be figured on a percentage
J. C. Snell, Snell, Moffett& Nicholls, Los Angeles, ofihcial installation accountants for the state of California for the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, gave a splendid talk .on "IJniform Cost Accounting," using several charts in his explanation of the system adopted by the National Association. Mr. Snell said this system is adapted (Continued on Page 20)