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Tinted to harmonize aith interior decorations and indioidual ideas, beautiful and durable effects areobtainable bg a. neu) process of stained tinishes.
The excellent uearing qualities ol Hard Maple as Flooring combined with the beautg ol transparent colors lear.,e nothing to be desired.
Kiln.Dried Fir wins the good will of dealers' customers. There's "Satisfac. tion in every food' of our Old Grou'th Yellow Frr lumber because it is thoroughly kiln.dried and dressed after seasoning to Ameri' can Standard si:es. All degrades are taken out at the mill.
I.rch 26th, L926
Sste Fa LMbcr ConpaDy 16 CaLlfornle Strcet San Frsclaco, Caltlornlr
Attonttonr llr, A.J. Ruscll ContlcBcn: wlth roloroncc to y@r rcccnt BhtFot to us of 1" No. 2 Cl6ar Md gotto; Rough Kiln-Dtlod frc! tho Ccntral Cotl & Coko Coopanyta dlll, ro.rish to ltete tlut ro reF ortroEoly roLl setlsllcd with the grado. Tho slock ras ltnc terturc, sof t old grdth @terlal, NMlng voFy sErohg to vortlcal traln. roll EAnufac- tuod, sd porloctly kiln driod.
When *o org sure that the ratny scason has paal, so that yd cm rafoiy uakc shlpEoBt ot klln drtcd ltock by rator, *c wouLd bo vory glaat to offer yo stahding orders for a good votue of thls stock it the conpotitlvc urkgt pllcos.
Y@rs vor? tru1y.
* 1@{}-/;-.-fir.-Frc-TdE-lffi dciifrbtas Fir O"...,;:r..lU.rir-'
Watch these ads and read what others say about this dependable lumber.
SnNra Fn LuMeBn CourpANy
(A. J. ,,Gus" Russell)
Distributors in California and Arizona
Geaeral Offces: San Francisco, California St. Clair Buildins l6 California Streit
So. Califotnia Oftce: Los Angeles, California 397 Pacific Electric Building Bruce L. Burlingernc, Ageat "sudden Sereiice"